Drivers Co-op is doing a kickstarter to expand their Uber alternative thats owned by the drivers. to – 329 points –

I remember seeing this app a couple months ago and being excited about a team finally doing this. They've been available in New York City for a while and now they're trying to raise money to expand to more places. Hopefully they open source the app\server in the future since it would be great to have more co-op apps for the other "gig economy" style apps.


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Do you care more about the credibility of a business that you do have an ownership stake in or one you don’t have an ownership stake in?

The drivers have a collective interest in maintaining the credibility of their app regardless of how the ownership is structured. There will be a similar management structure to ensure customer satisfaction regardless of ownership structure.

Moreover if you’re an individual driver with an ownership stake you have a greater interest in maintaining the credibility of your business vs a business that some one else owns.

So in theory there should be slightly greater incentive to provide good service under this structure.

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