Humane Ai Pin is shaped like Google Clips and won’t need a paired phone to – 40 points –
Humane Ai Pin is shaped like Google Clips and won't need a paired phone

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What is the use case for such a device? Outside of being completely invasive to everyone around you.

My partner has always commented that she wanted basically a dashcam but for while walking the dog, so this seems to fit the bill.

To basically catch e.g. if a cyclist hits you or something.

That's what I don't really understand. It doesn't solve an issue that anyone is having.

It just looks like a more inconvenient to use phone that you can only do voice commands, or maybe finger gestures in the air to control.

I have a feeling it'll be very disappointing in what it can actually do, this just feels like something no one will buy other than YouTubers.