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Joined 1 years ago

Adding a good tip in the app is a good way to ensure your order will actually get accepted and picked up quickly. Many drivers decide to take an order based upon the payout they see listed in the app.

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Not even a question for me, absolutely teleportation.

I wouldn't need to own a car, never need to pay for plane tickets or any sort of transportation.

I can go anywhere at any time. Live anywhere and then just blink where I want/need to be.

Invisibility doesn't provide nearly the same practical applications. The only useful thing I can think of for invisibility would be to hide inside a bank vault and steal money, but that could technically be achieved via teleportation too.

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How would one do this? I use ublock origin on Firefox, but I've started seeing the same pop-ups on YouTube the last few days and would love to get rid of them.

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Petition to bring back full qwerty portrait oriented keyboard sliders like this. I miss this hardware style.

It's a refugee camp filled with innocent people. No amount of justification or propaganda changes the fact that this was a refugee camp and a high degree of civilian casualties was guaranteed. This is a war crime.

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BP. Obvious reasoning.

I would use Firefox Mobile over the Samsung browser. Samsung is still chromium based and Firefox puts more priority on user privacy.

If you can switch messaging and group chats to Signal or Telegram, that'd be a good move as well.

Otherwise App Tracking Protection is probably the best thing you can do for privacy.

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It's arguably safer in your carry on than it is your checked luggage.

But going through customs on the other side where all your bags are likely to be scanned and searched, absolutely not worth the risk. Just buy new bud at your end destination.

A few options that range from slightly spooky to pretty scary: Alan Wake, Oxenfree, Dead Space, Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach, Night in the Woods, Inside, Limbo

Ah yes, who can forget all the famous scenes in action movies where the "good guy" shoots 50 "human shield civilians" while attempting to get the "bad guy".

Zionism is cancer.

You're acting as if the Israeli's gracefully gave Palestinians a home in Gaza. The conditions in Gaza are abysmal purely due to Israel's actions.

Palestinians were forced into Gaza after the slaughter of over 200 Palestinian towns in 1948. The survivors of those attacks, refugees, were forced into the area we now call Gaza.

Gaza is effectively the world's largest open air prison. They are fenced in by what Israel so lovingly calls the "iron wall". Gaza citizens are not allowed to leave. They are prisoners of that strip.

Their trade is severely limited. They face militarized border crossings on both ends with Egypt and Israel.

Israel even built a sea wall to prevent fishing boats from being able to "go too far" and they patrol that sea wall with warships and will sink any boat that gets, what Israel deems as, too close to that sea wall.

That isn't a life. That isn't living. The Palestinians in Gaza face unemployment rates of over 50%. They're completely cut off from the world.

Of course they're going to fight back. I don't know what anyone else would expect. You can't treat people that way and expect that they'll just lay down and take it.

It's just a UI bug. You're subscribed. Probably doesn't help lemmy has been overwhelmed by new users and activity.

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I've been using a Z Fold 4 for about a year, since launch. This is my first foldable, and it'd honestly be difficult for me to go back to a standard slab phone.

I love how multitasking is actually an enjoyable, functional experience on a foldable. I love having a large display for consuming content. The larger internal display really ups the threshold for "Okay, I need a computer for this", since I can load desktop sites and it be usable.

Granted, it isn't perfect. I do still have concerns about durability, despite the fact thaty Fold has taken a few nasty falls and come out unscathed, it is of course still possible to break. For the first time, I have insurance on a phone due to durability.

The outer display is functional, but it's quite narrow. This leads to some apps not loading properly on the outer display, and a bit of a cramped keyboard. You do get used to it, but I'd prefer a larger external display like the wider display of the Pixel Fold.

The biggest short coming for foldables is apps. While most apps function just fine, some really don't. Instagram is a great example of one that performs poorly on both the external and internal displays. Some apps have tablet interfaces that launch on the inner display, but most don't. Most apps are just a blown up version of the standard phone interface. There are other weird app quirks like how my bank app will only let me use fingerprint to sign in when it's launched on the external display, not the internal. The app situation I think will get better with time as foldables become more widespread, but it is a frustration for now.

The final shortcoming is the size and weight of these phones. With a case on, the Fold 4 is a pretty substantial phone on your pocket. It's heavy, thick, and the first few weeks with it you'll really notice the size and weight. Foldables are trending thinner and lighter, but more progress needs to be made here.

Anyways, all this to say - I ultimately love my foldable phone and have been very satisfied. It's expensive, but if you have the means and the interest in one, I doubt you'd be disappointed. Just keep the shortcomings in mind.

TTW is amazing. I am a big fan of the borderlands series but found 3 to be a bit disappointing, but I had a blast with TTW.

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That's what I don't really understand. It doesn't solve an issue that anyone is having.

It just looks like a more inconvenient to use phone that you can only do voice commands, or maybe finger gestures in the air to control.

I have a feeling it'll be very disappointing in what it can actually do, this just feels like something no one will buy other than YouTubers.

Regular watch.

I find myself bombarded by notifications all day anyways, I don't also want my wrist buzzing along with my pocket. Since I work from home, I have my phone out on my desk most of the time anyways, smartwatch doesn't really add any value for me as I don't care about the fitness data.

I'm also a watch enthusiast, so smartwatches don't scratch that same itch as a traditional watch.

I'm an American who visited Cuba (legally) a few years back. I paid for goods and was allowed to bring things back into the US. There were just monetary limits for goods on what you were allowed to bring back in. I believe products like rum, cigars, and coffee were limited to $100-200, but I wasn't asked to show any receipts or anything.

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We've got a dry herb vape specific community here on Lemmy as well. /C/Vaporents on Lemmy.world.

Maybe I haven't spent enough time searching out accounts to follow, but I've found Pixelfed to be a bit lacking compared to Lemmy.

Lemmy successfully replaced Reddit for me. But Pixelfed is just too barren for me to be able to ditch Instagram.

If you have a Switch and a TV, I'd recommend trying out Ring Fit!

That game has been my primary fitness source since 2020. It makes the exercises very approachable, and also engaging. You really don't need any prior exercise experience to hop in and play it, and it'll help ensure you get a well rounded workout in.

It depends on if you're going to use all the features of Ultimate vs just the standard Game Pass offering. I only play on PC, so I only pay for PC game pass as I won't use the extras of Ultimate.

But the game library offerings of Game Pass is great. It's a tough value to beat for all the games you get for that monthly price.

I haven't seen anyone mention HROT yet, but it's a other featuring a retro 3D art style.

I'm sure that it'll just be an ongoing battle between Ublock & Youtube both updating themselves to get around the other. I've transferred over to watching more & more on Nebula as it's better for the creators, ad free, and way cheaper than Youtube Premium.

No Man's Sky is quite complex with a lot of systems to manage, resources to collect, etc. I think it'd be a bit overwhelming if you haven't been playing many games in recent years.

Sable and Tchia are both fantastic third person open world games.

Ah, I am also using Sponsorblock. That may be doing it.

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Sadly it looks like Google/Youtube have now circumvented Ublock again. After implementing the changes you suggested above, it got rid of the pop-ups on Youtube for me for a week, and now they're back and I can't get around them even after updating Ublock. Hopefully Ublock gets around these quickly.

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I've been using a Z Fold 4 since launch and I love it.

You really don't notice the crease unless the light is shining/reflecting off it.

I love the extra screen real estate and multi tasking that I can accomplish with the Fold. They're expensive phones, but if you're interested in a foldable, odds are you'll get good use out of it.

Rumor is that the Fold 5, which should be announced in July, will use a new teardrop hinge which will significantly reduce the prevalence of the crease and allow for it to fold flat.

You also have the Pixel Fold, but I'd be hesitant since Google has a bad track record with buggy software.

I'm on a Fold 4 now and I do love the novelty/oddity aspect of having a folding tablet.

But I would love to see the return of IR blasters on most phones and sliding phones for physical keyboards.

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It's pretty uneventful. I had surgery earlier this year and was put under. I recall them hooking up the IV, waiting 5-10 minutes, then coming back to wheel me into the OR. They had me transfer into the operating table, and I remember looking up at the bright lights and the surprising amount of people in the room for my basic surgery, and then the next thing I know, I'm waking up in my bed a couple hours later. I didn't feel groggy, it just felt like waking up from a deep sleep where you don't dream at all. Time passes in an instant.

I just open pdf's or docs in Google Docs and modify/sign from there.

Yeah there are still options out there that offer an IR blaster, but I'd really like to see it return as a mainstream feature. Now it's more of a niche thing you don't see often.

You're right. Sponsorblock still works, but I needed to disable my "Return Youtube Dislikes" extension. After that was turned off, all good!

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Nice Vapcap setup! We have a dry herb vape community on here as well btw- /c/Vaporents.

That's interesting. I've had a few communities show as "pending", but they still appear under my subscriptions view on my home page.

My friends and I still talk about how much we miss the big/tiny text feature of Allo.

The main equipment you'll need are shoes and a harness. But most gyms will let you rent those for you to try out the sport.

You don't really need to take classes to start. The gym staff will tell you the initial info you need to go, then just get started by climbing some easy top rope routes or basic boulders to get a feel for it!

I loved it. Great art style, the soundtrack is amazing, and I found the story compelling. It's one that I actively recommend to people.

Just with these latest new pop-ups that YouTube has implemented within the last couple weeks.

They worked fine in combination with one another until that.