CNN Host Left Stunned As IDF Confirms Israel Hit Refugee Camp With Airstrike to World – 682 points –

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer seemed at a lost of words at the justification being used to bomb a refugee camp in Gaza.


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It's a refugee camp filled with innocent people. No amount of justification or propaganda changes the fact that this was a refugee camp and a high degree of civilian casualties was guaranteed. This is a war crime.

This is a war crime.

On the part of Hamas right? For placing valid military targets inside of otherwise protected Civilian areas.

On the part of Hamas and Israel. War crimes don't stop being war crimes just because you're fighting war criminals.

They sort of do in this case. The reason the strike would be a war crime is that a refugee camp is explicitly civilian infrastructure. Under the conventions of war, explicitly civilian infrastructure is suppose to be spared from attack. And attacking it is a war crime.

When you co-locate military infrastructure there it loses it's protections as it's no longer explicitly civilian infrastructure. And a strike against it ceases to be a war crime.

Ah yes, who can forget all the famous scenes in action movies where the "good guy" shoots 50 "human shield civilians" while attempting to get the "bad guy".

Zionism is cancer.

Unfortunately the real world isn't a movie studio.