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Joined 1 years ago

Just another guy abandoning the old internet.

Work at a hotel. We have them occasionally. When a room is found to have them the room is put off market for 24 hrs as are any adjacent rooms either beside or above/below. They’re chemically treated at the beginning of the 24 hrs. This includes destroying ALL linens and chemically treating any fabric surfaces as well. The rooms are “flipped” with every headboard and painting removed from the walls during treatment. The mattresses have bedbug prevention (bedbug covers) already on them but they’re inspected and replaced regularly. At 16 hours the rooms are checked and verified there are no active bedbugs. The rooms are then steam treated for good measure. At 22 hours they’re cleaned with special vacuums to prevent relocation.

If a guest is in the room when they are found then all of their clothing and laundry are heat treated and inspected.

This seems to be the industry standard for large corporate hotels. I work for one of the largest in the world. This is our SOP. It’s expensive but we don’t end up with infestations so it apparently works.

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The reasoning for the recall isn’t necessarily operator error but overlooked safety suggestions. The OneWheel is billed as a self balancing electric skateboard and while it is the “feature” causing all of the issues is you can exceed the balancing limitations of the device while using it effectively causing it to stop balancing and ditch the rider at speed. See you lean to go faster. While leaning forward to speed up the board will sense a balancing issue and usually try and right itself by trying to nose the board back level again before slowing down. What’s happening in this instance is that instead of doing this the board will just shut off and nose dive into the ground throwing the rider.

Imagine if you would using the brakes on your bicycle only for it to decide you’re going too fast and just go “welp I can’t stop you so I better give up.. good luck!”

Amazing there is a shortage right at the same time that Vyvanse has finally become a generic. I haven’t had Vyvanse for 2 weeks now due to the shortage. It’s been… difficult.

Edit: I also take Adderall for long days at work and it’s been in short supply for over a year now which has made it even harder.

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Ok, so it’s time for me to do some research on Flatpaks now. I’m an old schooler from Redhat days and haven’t kept up with the new stuff all that much.

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You have one badass cat.

Good luck criminals. I ignore nearly every call.

What is the use case for such a device? Outside of being completely invasive to everyone around you.

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Wow am I so old that this isn’t a normal thing anymore?

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This is me and Terraria.

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Wow now this is the superpower I want. I’d walk through my house in the dark with WILD ABANDON!

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I have a set of tongs at home with frogs for the silicone grips. Living at the beach it’s not uncommon for green tree frogs to make their way inside the doggie door.

All hail Lemmy!

Not to mention size. Assembly is so incredibly small without all the code interpretation and library overhead. I remember some of the old warez scene exe’s for DOS that were a few kilobytes but ended up being a huge video quality intro. Some lasting minutes. Rather than a few seconds.

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Not to mention using white phosphorus bombs as well. I’m not for either side but it’s time Israel is held accountable for war crimes.

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According to this Tom’s Hardware article (https://www.tomshardware.com/desktops/mini-pcs/mini-pc-maker-ships-systems-with-factory-installed-spyware-acemagic-says-issue-was-contained-to-the-first-shipment) it isn’t firmware based spyware but just existing on the machine drive.

They were also found on the restore partition so a full wipe and fresh install would eliminate the issue. AceMagic have also claimed that the issue was isolated to the first round of shipments.

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Not wearing helmets is definitely a Darwin Award. But the OneWheel itself has a tendency to just shut off and nose dive when limits are exceeded. Usually at max speed. Even though it’s programmed and designed to be self righting it can sometimes not act correctly and just fling you off. So you could be cruising along just like you always do and when you start leaning too hard it will slowly nose back up and slow you down to keep you within the limits. But let’s say that’s happening for the 80th time and you happen upon a small rock at the same time only for the software to be unable to correct and nose dive into the ground instead. To the rider nothing would be different until the unit nose dived throwing them usually at full speed.

Yeah this is some bonkers mental leaps people are making. It’s not like RPiOS is telling Microsoft anything you’re doing. It’s out there for installing and maintaining Visual Code much more easily.

Except the need to be tied to Meta makes it almost the worst.

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Isn’t this the RockPi? Or is the RockPi just based on the RK3588? It’s great for open-source but good lord are these SBC’s astronomically high.

Let’s hope they can revive WoW and Overwatch from the garbage they’ve become.

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We had to walk a delicate line with our kids (2005-2017) when it came to interaction online. Never wanted them to feel like we were keeping them from experiencing the knowledge or social interaction the internet provided. But we also kept close tabs and paid special attention to specific behaviors. So if they were in their netbooks we’d make it a habit to walk behind them not to look but just to see what their reaction would be. Kids mostly know right from wrong and when they feel it “might” be wrong they try and hide it from their parents. If you pay attention you’ll see them “hiding” and that’s a sign to dig deeper. This way they maintain their privacy and any issues can be brought to light with them directly.

(Understand that the following will have specific details changed just for anonymity’s sake) Grooveshark was the first interaction we saw was troublesome. So we sat our daughter down and asked her direct why she was trying to hide her netbook from us seeing it and what had she been doing she felt she needed to hide? The alternative was to relinquish the netbook until she told us. Come to find out a friend of hers from school (female 2 years older) was trying to slowly convince her to lie to her parents and sneak off with her. Our daughter told us this because it scared her not because she would lose her access. We also stayed open and active with our kids indulging in the same things they were interested in (Minecraft, Guitar Hero, etc) regardless if it was explicitly something we enjoyed. So she didn’t lose access to Grooveshark because she really loved listening to music. We just kept an eye on it and she removed her friend from communication. We explained what she was likely attempting and her friend admitted to it. They’re not friends now but it never happened again.

Don’t get me wrong, we made tons of bad calls before we learned what worked. But the key to all of it is paying attention. Not hovering over them and stopping them from making mistakes. But watching the nuance of their interactions with everyone around them. If they start to get secretive then there is usually a reason. And it’s best to just talk to them about it. And if one conversation doesn’t do it then have multiple conversations. Listen to what they have to say and why they were being secretive. Works best when they’re not expecting it too (like in the middle of playing Minecraft together). Anyway that’s just IMHO.

He looks like the the love child of Bilbo Baggins and Elon Musk.

Ours has a magnet and is stuck to the toaster. Long since abandoned since most cants with ridges don’t like to open well without just using a can opener and removing the whole can lid.

Android? It’s not wholly closed source similar to RedHat they’ve got closed source elements while using open source elements.

Linux and its kernel are based on GPL and so to distribute something using it would require a compatible license. That means a full distro can’t be anything but open source and actually be distributed in free or paid versions. That doesn’t mean there aren’t closed source interfaces being used personally or undistributed.

How would you police this without direct abuse?

It’s pretty easy to spot deep fakes, even now. The type of porn being created in deep fakes are just too unbelievable when it comes to actors and actresses. They’re not deep faking intimate love porn, it’s nearly always straight up deep hardcore pornography that is being made when deep fakes are involved. I feel like everything described that is so evil is just a straw man argument. Hell anyone that believes deep hardcore pornography is what just happens in reality is a moron. The amount of bullshit incest porn on these same websites is just bonkers. That being said I can see how it can affect some people.

But guess what? Humans tend to look similar so how do you go stop it when you don’t know if it’s real or fake? How crazy easy will it be to create yet another advantage to those in power/financial success? Examples:

Politician is seeing a prostitute and abusing his status to do so. The prostitute records a secret sex tape of him raping her and threatening to have her arrested if she doesn’t submit to what he wants. This video goes public. Politician claims it’s a deep fake and prostitute is arrested anyway. Or the reverse. A prostitute deep fakes the video and threatens the politician. The politician just had information coming out of him glancing at another woman than his wife before the deep fake and so the populace just sides with the prostitute and the politician is arrested.

Or how about a woman who looks just like Taylor Swift decides she wants to work in pornography. Her likeness is immediately noticed and it’s part of her popularity but not billed as such. T swizzle claims it’s a deep fake to disparage her and the porn actress is ruin if not sued into oblivion.

So many scenarios could go either way. You can’t ban the technology because you’ll never be able to legitimately be able to know which is which. And just like cryptography banning it will not limit access to those who would use it lawfully.

So what’s the solution? Get over the lunacy of the whole event? What options do we really have? And being we don’t have many/any options all we’re doing is sending clicks to news sites who have nothing else to write about. I’m not saying it’s not a problem, just not seeing a solution and don’t see a need to continually beat a dead horse.

It’s very much a gimmick. I’m 45 yrs old and was able to mess around with it at a friend’s house. It takes a lot of getting used to for it to become useful and accurate in games and will make any other game you play become a struggle. So if you ONLY play Warzone and don’t do anything else with your computer then sure go for it. You’ll need to “reprogram” your brain to use this mouse for the games you currently play and it’s really only a fun gimmick for shooting games.

IMHO: It’s just more plastic garbage and while a fun gimmick it would last about a month before becoming something you stuff in a drawer and likely never use again.

Yes. Imagine how much trouble ANY actor would be in if they were sued for impersonating someone nearly identical but not that person. If Sarah Silverman ever interacted with a person and then imitated that person on stage for her own personal benefit without the other persons express consent it would be no different. And comedians pick up their comedy from everything around them both natural and imitation.

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That’s Classified. As was any statement made about said subject, also classified.

I’m thinking the code is obfuscated by random calls to various functions so that the code block isn’t just one section you can easily see but sprinkled throughout instead.

Why would you disparage Butthead in such a way? Blasphemer!!!

Oh man one could dream I suppose. He must not have had enough money to get him out of trouble.

Hey just in time for me to try and put Arch on my MBP 2017.

Funny this is pretty close to the truth when it comes to the things described in this thread.

Poop Knife - Bad diet, large BM’s = financially poor diet = trailer Frog Tongs - trailers tend to have bad gaps in windows Etc

I want to believe this is all /s but I haven’t gotten the feel of Lenny quite yet.

That’s not what this is. To use your example it would be like taking her book and rearranging ALL of the words to make another book and selling that book. But they’re not selling the book or its contents, they’re selling how their software interprets the book for the benefit of the user. This would be like suing teachers for teaching about their book.

Sounds a lot like blame shifting. I’m not understanding how anyone would expect the Secretary of State to know how each and every county should handle their election. And I also don’t understand how human error on the commissioners end should be blaming the SoS. This just really stinks of blame shifting rather than taking the blame and doing better next time. That’s the whole point of having election commissioners is for them to make it work for the county they’re a part of.

Fixes anything with a multitool man.

Wow my 5700 XT was $600 lol. God prices were garbage back in the day.

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The creator of ChatGPT is sentient. Why couldn’t it be said that this is their expression of the learned works?

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This would make a good sub name.