how do you create a community? to No Stupid – 21 points –

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if you are having this much of an issue with someone who answered your question (remember, you did not say what KIND of community you were looking to build) and are this bothered, maybe you shouldn't be starting a community, be it here on lemmy, or in the real world, it seems the internet is not for you, nor is social media. Stick to a blog where you can put whatever you want and no one can reply or disagree with you, and everyone will always know 100% exactly what context you are referring to while asking questions.

I'm done with you now, run along and play.

The kind of community people like this would create doesn't need to exist anyway.

Might aswell have named your second account Aunt its that obvious.

I dont have to say what kind of community its IRRELEVANT to the question. I dont use social media. You will never be able to see that its you, you are the problem. If you were capable of making a quality joke at my expense id be the first to laugh but you're not you're just not a funny man but we must what suffer you and your kind indefinitely?.. next time put abitta effort in or if you cant do that then just stfu yea.

since the kind of community is irrelevant.

First you start by buying a bunch of land, preferably around, or close to, a city.

Second you have to develop the infrastructure (water/sewer, power, etc)

Third you need an agreement with the city to provide those services to your new community

Fourth you will need to pick a name for your new community

Fifth you will need to build some parks and schools for the families in your new community

Sixth you will need to subdivide to make buyable properties

Seventh you will need to supply those subdivided properties with the services already laid down along major routs (see step #2)

Eighth you will need to start advertising the lots you just subdivided for sale

Once all the property has been bought, you now have yourself a new community.

sorry if this is not what you were looking for, your question was kinda open ended and no one really knows what community you speak of, since again, you did not say just what KIND of community you were seeking

too long didnt read... couldnt be worth a shit anyway.