Top 20 games played on Steam Deck in the past month, sorted by playtime.

Ivan to Steam – 763 points –

Top 20 games played on Steam Deck in the past month, sorted by playtime.

#SteamDeck #steam



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Worth noting that Steam doesn't track playtime for non-Steam games. So this doesn't include Minecraft, Retroarch, or anything purchased through Itch, GOG, or Epic.

No doubt Fortnite would be somewhere on this list. Minecraft too. Not sure what else would be a guarantee.

Fortnite can’t be played unless you’re running windows

Ah that's a good point. I main Windows myself on Deck, due to Game Pass, so I forget about that side of things.

Edit: The amount of downvotes I got just for mentioning using Windows on Deck...

I main Windows


The guy just shared how they use a device they bought with their money. You don't need to gatekeep. Or whatever this is.

It's not gatekeeping, it's just an opinion (his and mine). If anything, the gate is open on linux and closed on windows.

Do you think any of such games would be in the list?

I'd imagine only a smaller subset of people even set up their Steam Deck for third party games.

Emulation Station might, since a lot of people use it as a frontend for their emulators. Since ES runs in a separate window while you play, all the time spent playing emulated games would all add to ES's total.

I dunno, I feel like the Steam Deck's core audience is "people who liked the Switch's form factor but also like mods and third-party launchers."

I think that's what we see and may be misattributing of a small active subset that is very technical and invested.

It's on the steam store. I'm sure many people buy and play, and don't ever read or write on a community like this. They're "invisible" here, but impact if not dominate the playtime ranking.

@Kissaki @klay how do I run mods that are originally for pc?

  • under Home -> Power, select "Desktop Mode."
  • Open Steam in desktop mode, and go to your Library.
  • Select a game, and go to Properties -> Local Files.
  • a file browser should open and show the game files just like you'd see on PC.

I plan to add the GOG version of Cyberpunk once I get an SSD.