Ukraine aid is dropped from government funding bill. That raises questions about future US support to World – 478 points –
Ukraine aid is dropped from government funding bill. That raises questions about future US support

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My argument is that linking a shitty poll that paint the issue in black or white does nothing to help to paint the picture of public opinion on the russia's attack on Ukraine and how people feel about it.

Can you show how the poll is misrepresenting it as a black/white issue?

Do you have ANY better statistical resource?

Can you show how the poll is misrepresenting it as a black/white issue? I can, but you don't seem to be genuinely interested, so I'm not going to waste my time.

Do you have ANY better statistical resource? No, but sometimes no resource is of more quality than a misleading poll.

I can, but you don’t seem to be genuinely interested, so I’m not going to waste my time.

Sounds like that's a no then...

No, but sometimes no resource is of more quality than a misleading poll.

If you can provide any evidence that it's misleading... I'll take it. But you've failed to do so and continue to whinge about it even though you've got nothing better to replace the poll as evidence.

I don't respond well to sealioning, my dear random keyboarder.

You don't respond well at all... When asked for anything to defend your stance, you got bumpkiss nothing.

I've already "defended my stance" (debate lord lol), but you failed to comprehend it. So I'm not going chew it up for you. If you're not smart to discern a good poll from a shit one, there's not much thinking I can do for you.

I'm sure you can find polls on facebook that will prove (to you) that 5G causes covid.

I didn't fail to comprehend anything. You claimed a poll was shitty... And have no alternative data. You can't claim a poll is shitty without either providing evidence of a flaw (you didn't) or having a better quality poll (you didn't). You didn't defend anything. You just claimed something with no source or evidence.

When I asked you to provide EITHER piece you needed to substantiate your claim.

I can, but you don’t seem to be genuinely interested, so I’m not going to waste my time.

Which on the internet is effectively the same as you have nothing.

I’m sure you can find polls on facebook that will prove (to you) that 5G causes covid.

Wow, now I know you're dumb. I don't need polls in that case because science says otherwise. You know with actual studies. You don't poll on facts, you poll on feelings or actions. However in this case we're literally talking about how people feel and thus need polls. Now if your argument was how many people feel that 5G causes COVID... then yes. But that wouldn't make you sound like a moron for making the comparison now wouldn't it? You know... since it's exactly the same premise.

You came out of nowhere and shoved your statement into my conversation with someone else. You're truly a moron. You're the seal. In case you forgot I was communicating in response to @skulblaka and you butted your fat ass into the conversation. Don't be mad at me that you have no evidence to back your stance.

Debate lord in shambles after unsuccessful sealioning More polls at 12.