Workers are the unhappiest they've been in 3 years—and it can cost the global economy $8.8 trillion to – 445 points –
Workers are the unhappiest they've been in 3 years—and it can cost the global economy $8.8 trillion

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I’ll be waiting patiently for your semantic objection to something inconsequential in one of my sources so that you don’t have a bruised ego 😄

Right on cue, champ!

Honestly if you can’t see how invoking monsters to inspire fear is just a rudimentary employment of psychological warfare, I’m not sure you have any business speaking to psychology as a whole.

You think you're clever, but you're not. I'm not sure someone whose education seems to be focused on an era where psychology didn't exist as a discipline should be expounding on it, either.

So, the people invoking monster names knew what psychological warfare was because they understood psychology? I call bollocks on that.

But keep telling yourself you're right and just misunderstood. I'm sure that will mean fuck-all when you're dead and nobody remembers you existed, just like me.