Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform to – 1267 points –
Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform

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Hope they're having fun watching me become Emperor of the HRE as Japan then. Cause I'm stuck with windows

Crusader Kings or Europa Universalis? Because they both work fine on Linux via Proton!

Eu4 with little to no actual knowledge of how the things in my OS work, I just know what Google is. Also I can't afford a new PC or to risk screwing up my current one

If you've got a USB stick lying around you can make a "live disk" (or whatever it's called nowadays) and run Linux off it to try it out. 90% of being a techie is having an interest and knowing how to do a web search so you're most of the way there already!