Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech to – 365 points –

The Grace Hopper Celebration is meant to unite women in tech. This year droves of men came looking for jobs.


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No one is saying gender is the only point of discrimination, but this specific event is focused on gender issues.

My point is that there is nothing else for issue related to other discriminations. And yet, before thinking whether those men (who showed up) maybe are also oppressed and discriminated, they have been simply labeled as "men" and therefore intruders, by definition. I would think that an oppressed community would realize the commonalities with other oppressed categories and use this to expand the struggle to them as well. Instead the rethoric behind this article makes me think that this is one of those events which is ultimately functional to the conservation of the status quo: big tech companies which sponsor the event and gain some visibility and good karma points to boost diversity while nothing really changes or is done to address the fundamental issue with discrimination (in general, not a specific one), because this is ultimately functional to the companies, which can leverage them to fight a fragmented worker's front.

Bang fucking on point. Dont trust the people who profit off inequality and a desperate workforce to make things less desperate and more equal