House Votes to Oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker: Live Updates - The New York Times

Chloyster [she/her] to – 107 points –
Speaker Vote: Far-Right G.O.P. Faction Throws House Into Chaos as McCarthy Is Ousted

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It’s not a good look and they should have left him in. They are supposed to be the adults who do what’s best for the country, and instead of leaving a guy in place who has shown at least some inclination to break with the nut jobs and do what’s right, they are letting the entire chamber shut down until who knows when and some equivalent or worse republican is stood up in his place.

The Dems have TRIED being the adults, and it hasn't worked; it's only gotten the country to where it is now. Might as well sabotage the party and let them wallow in their misery for another couple weeks.

Lol. As an adult myself, I have yet to give up even though my kids have been acting like children for years now. You’re not actually that responsible if it’s only in small bursts when you feel like it.

That's... not a very good analogy. You chose to have kids. None of them chose to have evil/idiocy incarnate for coworkers.