How Google Alters Search Queries to Get at Your Wallet - WIRED to – 126 points –
How Google Alters Search Queries to Get at Your Wallet

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  • Google may be altering billions of search queries daily to generate results that increase purchases.
  • Testimony in an antitrust case revealed an internal Google slide about changes to its search algorithm, involving "semantic matching" to generate more commercial results.
  • Google covertly changes user queries, substituting them with ones that generate more revenue for the company and display shopping-oriented results.
  • This manipulation benefits Google's profits but harms search quality and raises advertiser costs.
  • Despite legal challenges, Google's market dominance allows it to continue these practices, impacting users' ability to access unbiased information.

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Friendly reminder that Brave CEO donated to Prop 8, Brave was founded with seed money from right-wing-fanboy-billionaire Peter Thiel, Brave injected their own referral codes into links, Brave replaced page ads and injected their own, and tons of other delightful shit.

Brave has proved time and again that they're only trustworthy as long as whatever scheme they're working on isn't found out, and I can't imagine that there is any chance their search engine is any better.

If someone recommends Brave to you, you should ignore them, because they are wrong. Brave Browser is a mess of a software project, and the company building it is even worse.