6 Post – 350 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Any chance on some context on this for someone who doesn't follow tech closely enough? I know who Linus is, and what LTT is, and I've seen a lot of stuff these past few days about the community being angry at them for all sorts of stuff, but who is Madison? And what did they allege?

Edit: Never mind, only had to scroll two posts in my feed to find the answer. For others out of the loop: ex LTT employee Madison Reeve alleges toxic work environment and sexual harassment.

And support Facebook while you're at it! 😣

I know Apple isn't much better, but Oculus selling out to Zuck instantly guaranteed I would never buy their products.

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From Wikipedia:

"Meta" had been registered as a trademark in the United States in 2018 (after an initial filing in 2015) for marketing, advertising, and computer services, by a Canadian company that provided big data analysis of scientific literature. This company was acquired in 2017 by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), a foundation established by Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan, and became one of their projects. Following the rebranding announcement, CZI announced that it had already decided to deprioritize the earlier Meta project, that it would be transferring its rights to the name to Meta Platforms, and that the project would end in 2022.

So, they bought it through their (non-profit?) foundation and killed it to harvest the name?

*chuckles in Google*

Don't be evil.

Great! An anti-abortion, climate-change denying, free organ harvest and free gun trade right-wing fanatic neo-fascist, just what the doctor ordered! 🀒

I understand living in Argentina is rough, but is this really the best way to rebel, kids? πŸ˜“

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It probably wouldn't work, but I've been wondering whether it would be possible to use the shareholders of publicly traded companies against them in these situations.

I've seen people mention that companies are obligated to maximize profits for their shareholders (might not be true everywhere, and my knowledge on the subject is extremely limited).

If there was data available for a given company that showed that profits were increased during a period where a substantial part (or all) of the employees worked from home, and then the company starts forcing the employees back to the office, could the board not be called upon to force the company to keep people in work-from-home-mode? Would the company not be obliged to do that, to maximize the profits? It seems to me that this would be in the best interest of the shareholders.

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Friendly reminder that Brave CEO donated to Prop 8, Brave was founded with seed money from right-wing-fanboy-billionaire Peter Thiel, Brave injected their own referral codes into links, Brave replaced page ads and injected their own, and tons of other delightful shit.

Brave has proved time and again that they're only trustworthy as long as whatever scheme they're working on isn't found out, and I can't imagine that there is any chance their search engine is any better.

If someone recommends Brave to you, you should ignore them, because they are wrong. Brave Browser is a mess of a software project, and the company building it is even worse.

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I know exactly how you feel β€” I installed an extension in Chrome the other day for the sole purpose of blocking Quora from Google Search results. Fantastic πŸ‘

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Isn't this a misleading/clickbaity title? πŸ€”

The title of the article is "Twitch quickly reverses policy that β€œwent too far” allowing nudity β€” Twitch confirmed its policy banning nudity was sexist."

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My wife and I actually met on OkCupid, happily married for 8 years now, and dated a few years before that, so safe to say I haven't been there in 10+ years.

Sad to hear it's gone down the drain, it seemed the least vile of the available options πŸ˜“

It's so surreal to see posts about masks and Covid.

I live in Denmark. At the beginning of last year, the government decided that Covid was no longer a critical threat, and all restrictions were removed on February 1st, 2022.

I have not seen a single mask since. I've heard Covid mentioned here maybe twice in the past year, with maybe one family I know getting infected in that period (that I know of...).

My wife and I were Team Restrictions, in the aggressively cautious (and scared) end of the spectrum. Two young daughters; those of you with kids (especially little ones) will probably know the crippling fear of losing your children.

Then one day the government decides it's just over, we can't be bothered with this anymore, and there was nothing we could do about it. Most of the country seemed very happy with the whole thing, certainly most people we know (and most of them had received our secret scorn for their borderline indifference to caution and protocol).

And then time passed, and some more time, and I went from checking in on the hardcore epidemiologists on Twitter daily β€” the ones constantly (and correctly!) pointing out that the decision to "cancel Covid" was insane, 100% political and in complete denial of the available data β€” to completely forgetting Covid happened.

2 years of hell, and for more than a year it's been completely out of my thoughts. It's absolutely mind-blowing. Especially since this is not the reality everywhere else. I don't think about Covid anymore, at all, unless something like this post reminds me it's still alive and kicking.

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Isn't he the one that has children, even more horrible than himself, lined up to take over his "legacy" when he kicks the bucket?

Guess we can only hope that they're incompetent πŸ˜“

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I agree with everyone saying "donations are for running the server, use as intended", although I like the idea of the tiny mod-team getting a small monthly stipend or something. Maybe consider adding "5% of donations are divided among the mods for coffee and therapy" to the donation info text? πŸ€”

A compromise, in regards to charity, could be a community-based effort of some sort β€” everyone votes to pick a quarterly charity, and it's promoted as a stickied post:

"The Beehaw community has voted to support X [insert charity] * for this quarter, please support it if you can"

* Ugh, can't believe fucking Elon ruined a whole letter, and one of the cool ones, at that 🀒

"Threads had 3 app downloads yesterday, easily beating X's 1" β€” you're right, doesn't sound as sexy πŸ€”

Thanks for the Evaporative Cooling link, that was a great read!

The trick is that human behavior, and especially human language, are very… squishy.

Very apt; the whole post managed to put into words things that I was vaguely aware of, but would never be able to connect so succinctly.

You guys are doing a fantastic job, and it's really great to see the level of thought you put into your decisions, as well as comments like this one where we can see some of the thoughts and philosophy behind them.

I hope the Exodus doesn't burn you out; I'm rooting for this community to survive and prosper. Thank you for all the hard work.

In short, and mirroring what seems to the general sentiment: no. I like it here, and I like the heavy moderation and intolerance towards intolerance πŸ™‚

I've yet to see a Beehaw de-federation action that I disagree with.

Wow, this takes me back to the days of Eee PCs and dreams of having a tiny, ultra portable laptop 😍

I went down the rabbit hole 😬 This 10.5" CHUWI MiniBook X looks pretty darned tempting!

I could run a minimalistic Fedora distro on it, have it in my jacket pocket. I'd use it mainly as an Obsidian interface. Shame it doesn't have a SIM slot πŸ˜“

Maybe something to consider when my ASUS C302 Chromebook Fedorabook (fuck you very much for the EOL, Google!) eventually bites the dust πŸ€”

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"... corrupt Mozilla Corp ..."

Could you elaborate?

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Just tagging @admin in case they don't see this ❀️

Edit: aaand I did it wrong πŸ™„ πŸ‘ˆ Better?

I recently saw someone suggest that America was just three corporations in a trenchcoat; so maybe it's actually nine smaller corporations, in groups of three, each group in their own trenchcoat, and then those three groups get together in an even bigger trenchcoat πŸ€”πŸ§₯

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Voyager doesn't support Lemmy 18.x anymore, and Beehaw is getting ready to leave Lemmy so won't upgrade servers beyond 18.

The "solution" is Native version of Voyager (download an older version), but that means no more upgrades.

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Maybe Sublinks could be(come) that new platform you guys have been searching for, re: Beehaw thinking about leaving Lemmy? πŸ€”

I just hope it will be compatible with the available Lemmy apps (Voyager in particular) πŸ˜“

Edit: Or PieFed I guess 😊

You're wrong on this one, as the other comment noted.

Have I Been Pwned has a database of leaked credentials, with notes on where the data originated, when said site was hacked, etc. It is an incredibly good resource to see if any site you use has leaked your data in a breach, and how compromising that data is (legible or unsalted passwords, credit card information, etc.).

It is a tool used to react intelligently to data breaches. You input your email address, and it tells you if your email address is present in any leaked data sets. If so, you go change that password as fast as you can.

For your comment to make any sense, giving someone your email address means you've been "Pwned". I guess you don't subscribe to a lot of newsletters, then? How does entering your email address give anyone an advantage, apart from the knowledge that it exists? πŸ€”

The exact same feature is baked into Chrome's password manager, 1password, and many others. Does that mean that users of those services have been "Pwned"? 😐

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I've been mulling over my previous comment in one of the threads here, and think I've found the best way to condense it into a single line (not including this one, obviously), which can also serve as my response to the original post:

You don't put out a kitchen fire by letting the house burn down.

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I've also tried all the Lemmy apps I could find, and must say I'm still the most fond of Voyager. Almost every single time I launch, there's a new update, and new features are showing up extremely fast. Now that there's customizable swipe gestures for all use cases, it's become so awesome to use. I even had an issue with comments getting deleted if I swiped too far while composing, opened a ticket on GitHub, and dev had it fixed within a day. They've just started submitting app versions to to both the Apple and Android store, if you don't want to use the web app.

I second Google Rewards, I also haven't paid for an app for quite some time now. A small note - if it asks if you've visited a specific store recently, the reward is a lot bigger if you say yes, say you bought something, and how you paid. Even if you didn't 😁 There's always (at least) one plausible option, a store you were near, and then a few that look to be fillers. I personally only pick the plausible ones, just in case it's some sort of test. They also rolled out uploading receipts where I'm located recently, and must admit I don't mind Google knowing what I purchased at whatever supermarket.

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That's a really good way of dealing it πŸ‘

Relevant owls πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‰

I feel the same way. 15 years of daily use.

Hell hath no fury like a fan scorned.

Come on, Pookie, let's burn this motherf*cker down!

I really hope we end up on something with Lemmy/Fediverse/Activitypub compatibility, e.g. PieFed or Sublinks.

The only reason I can have a good time on Lemmy is because of Voyager, which I use on my phone and computers, and I'm hoping it might be possible to get an app for whatever platform gets chosen (and preferably Voyager!).

I was always an app user for the 15 years I was on Reddit, and using a website for Beehaw/Fediverse stuff would be too far out of my comfort zone 😐

Narrator: "It didn't".

Let's try to keep it civil, this seems a bit more aggressive than the comment you're responding to warrants.

Should anyone else need to look up what copyright is, here's the Wikipedia article on the subject.

And a rapist!

Pretty sure he is less intelligent than most of us thought πŸ€”

Ah, pedantry. Snubbing OP for using the word 'opinion' instead of 'advice', which, given the context, should be synonymous here. Got it πŸ‘

I'm trying to finish designing my English alphabet poster series. Still missing 10 letters (there's a poster for each letter of the alphabet, surrounded by ~ 80-110 vintage illustrations of words that begin with a given letter, each labelled), and I'm starting to feel a bit stressed.

Had all of January + February to finish them, which should have been do-able, but then I had three separate client assignments fall into my lap, and couldn't afford not to take them. Didn't finish a single poster in January πŸ˜”

Also itching to get started on a new branch for my little solo company β€” creating printable activity sheets (think fancy-design word searches, mazes, word puzzles, dot-to-dot drawings, word scrambles, code breaking puzzles) for daycare/schools/museums, etc.

I'm hoping I can supplement my posters, opening up a new market for my company (marketing/selling children's posters to private individuals is hard, especially with extremely limited marketing funds, combined with a profound marketing ineptitude), as well as having something in the way of free downloads/printables I can use as SoMe eye-catchers. Hopefully also creating more awareness for my posters in the process. But I need to finish that alphabet series first, so my investor (a parent) doesn't loose all patience with the project 😬

Then there's the new shiny idea of creating a Dobble/Spot It!-like card game, also using material from my vast collection of vintage/public domain graphics.

I've managed to hobble together some Python code that can generate the data for the cards ("card 1 must have ill's. 01, 03, 05, 11, 12 ...", "card 2 must have ill's. 02, 07 ...") according to to the "Dobble formula" (possible cards & number of needed unique illustrations with X illustrations on each card = X^2 - X + 1, where X is a prime number + 1), based on my input for X.

I can then put that data in a spreadsheet, add filenames and descriptions/tags for each illustration, and (hopefully, if I can remember how, as it's been a while) generate all the finished print files for the cards by feeding the data to InDesign as a CSV.

Going to try to make a mockup with 12 images on each card, and looking at prices for big, custom game cards (A6 / 105 x 148.5 mm / 4.1 x 5.8 inches), with a deck size of 100 cards (technically, the amount of possible cards with X = 12 is 133, but even at 100 cards, the prices start to become prohibitively expensive, at least when looking at the small batch sizes I could conceivably afford).

But, oh yeah, need to stay focused on the main task, getting those posters done first! πŸ™„

Incidentally, if anyone has some interesting and/or fun Dobble/Spot It! house rules they'd like to share, I'm all ears! Any and all thoughts on possible gameplay with 100 unique, oversized, rectangular game cards, each card with 12 illustrations (animals, vehicles, minerals, historical characters ...), and each always having a single illustration in common with any other given card, are also of interest 😁

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Yes, but something something God blah blah πŸ™„

Are these Israeli-Americans, or evangelicals who love Israel because they want it to burn so they can have The Second Coming?

I bet you it was Twitter merch, too, and not X; they must have a lot of worthless bird paraphernalia lying around the X headquarters πŸ™„

Elon is not only a douche, he's a cheap ass-douche.