Using a Zerowriter (Open Source DIY Freewrite) to Free and Open Source – 54 points –
Using a Zerowriter (Open Source DIY Freewrite)

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Wow, this takes me back to the days of Eee PCs and dreams of having a tiny, ultra portable laptop 😍

I went down the rabbit hole 😬 This 10.5" CHUWI MiniBook X looks pretty darned tempting!

I could run a minimalistic Fedora distro on it, have it in my jacket pocket. I'd use it mainly as an Obsidian interface. Shame it doesn't have a SIM slot 😓

Maybe something to consider when my ASUS C302 Chromebook Fedorabook (fuck you very much for the EOL, Google!) eventually bites the dust 🤔

I have an old Thinkpad, 32 bit and with such meager RAM it's not even tempting to run any modern home server thingamajik on it. Instead I installed Debian without a DE and set it to open Midnight Commander on boot. From there I can open the built-in text editor and start typing. My current documents and notes are synced in with Syncthing.

It's far from pocket sized but whenever one of my other, newer machines inevitably break down, that's what I pull off the shelf to keep working.

That sounds like a pretty cool setup! It's nice when there's still good use cases for old hardware 😊

I had an Eee PC. It was very slow and the poor resolution of the screen made it hard to use.

I think I liked the thought of having one more than I would have enjoyed actually having one 😅

A month or so ago i bought a 60% Bluetooth mechanical keyboard for my phone. It has become a tiny laptop. It makes me feel like a decker.