ReVanced Android playback speed shortcut? to Free and Open Source – 8 points –

I'm a huge fan of changing playback speed when playing videos, and finally got fed up with the cumbersome interface in the official YouTube app on Android (as well as the ads...).

I thought I read that there was a shortcut or gesture that would do it, but can't get anything to work 😥


You can get it on NewPipe.

I love newpipe too and prefer it over vanced, but that's not what they asked for

It is. They said they didn't want to use the official app anymore but still wanted to change playback speed. The solution is to use NewPipe.

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Thank you! If there's an alternative I'll try it out, I'm not married to ReVanced - just didn't know there were alternatives 😃

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You can just have the extended interface so you have more options sadly there's no gesture for it yet

Thank you, that's what I was afraid of 😕 I'll going to give NewPipe a try, as suggested in another comment 👌