What are two things that are good on their own but bad when combined? And bad things that are good when combined?

avidseeker@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 128 points –

I just learned about "Salt (NaCl) is actually a combination of a highly poisonous gas (Cl) and a hazardous metal (Na)".

I'm sure there are lots of examples in life that this rule also applies to.


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This high propensity for reaction is also why we got a massive hole in the ozone layer. Aerosols and hydrocarbons got dumped into the atmosphere, causing a massive portion of our ozone to split into O2 and free O due to higher exposure to UV radiation. All of that newly freed singular oxygen then started binding with the hydrocarbons in the upper atmosphere instead of reforming into ozone, heavily depleting it over time

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