Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time? to No Stupid – 92 points –

I have a theory that there is a impossible trinity (like in economics), where a food cannot be delicious, cheap and healthy at the same time. At maximum 2 of the 3 can be achieved.

Is there any food that breaks this theory?

Edit: I was thinking more about dishes (or something you put in your mouth) than the raw substances

Some popular suggestions include

  • fruits (in season)
  • lentils

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Curiously, peanuts 🥜.

100 gr of peanuts have almost all the fatty acids that you need in a day, with almost half the minimum calorie intake required and half the protein you need. They are satiating, VERY easy to grow, and even used as a way to replenish the soil with nutrients in crop rotation.

If you ask me what was the mana taken through the dessert, I'd say most likely peanuts.

It couldn't be peanuts, because it evaporated or melted when the sun hit it.

Peanuts are 50%, even worse than potato chips. 100 grams aren’t very satiating, at least to me. I’m not sure I’d consider that healthy.