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Joined 1 years ago

Sir, this is a Wendy's.

In general, password managers are a must-have in today's world. The question is not if you should have one, but which one and why.

As a Software Engineer very conscious about security and privacy, but also with a high practicality sense, I'd say you should opt for whatever you feel more comfortable.

If you don't want to manage anything, then 1password, BitWarden, LastPass or any of those might be right for you. If you are more of the kind to tinker with everything, then you can have your own OwnCloud/NextCloud and use KeePassXC.

I particularly used the later setup, but NextCloud was too much to handle for me, and settled with KeePassXC + Dropbox.

You do you, but use a password manager.

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This is actually something that I've been thinking about Lemmy too. Now Lemmy.World is a good instance, but if I ever need to move, I'll lose a lot, and that's not what Lemmy and the Fediverse as a whole should stand for. We need to allow users to migrate to another instance as a whole. Not just the name, but the messages, posts, replies, everything should be repointed to the new user.

Of course, this brings new and interesting attack vectors on instances for DSoS and for users data. Identity theft would be a real bitch.

Risotto. I make one with panceta and mushrooms that can't be easier to make. And the principle is to just stir for 20' or so.

Ingredients (serves for 2)

  • Risotto type rice (Arborio, Carnerolli or similar) 150 gr
  • Chicken broth (homemade, if store bought then liquid, never in cubes) 1 lt
  • Onion 1 medium
  • Panceta 200 gr
  • Mushrooms (fresh) 200 gr
  • Olive oil
  • White wine
  • Parmesan cheese (grated or in very small chunks) 50gr
  • Butter 20 gr


  1. In a pot, put the broth to heat. It's not required for it to boil just to be hot.

  2. Chop the onion in very small cubes, as small as the rice grain if possible (so when you are eating it, you don't feel it)

  3. Chop the panceta in cubes (no bigger than your thumb)

  4. In a big pot, at mid heat, put the panceta to brown and defat

  5. Once the panceta is brown and you have a good fat source at the bottom, remove and reserve the panceta

  6. Put the onion in the pot and use the same fat from the panceta to sauté it. If you need more, you can use olive oil.

  7. Once the onion is almost translucent, put the rice and pearl the rice. From now on, you should always be mixing the rice with a big wooden spoon or similar. Never stop stirring. This will make the rice to let all the starch go, which will make your risotto creamy.

  8. Once the rice is pearled, pour some wine to deglase and keep stirring.

  9. Once the wine has evaporated and you hear the crackling, pour some broth until the rice is submerged, keep stirring.

  10. Once your broth is evaporated and you start hearing the crackling again, put the panceta, the mushrooms and pour some more broth. Keep stirring.

  11. When you see that you are low on broth and hear that the rice is crackling, check on the rice for the cooking point. It should be al dente, meaning that you should be able to bite it and feel some resistance, but it should be very edible. If you still feel it too hard, pour more broth and keep stirring.

  12. When your rice is done, take the pot away from the fire, and put the parmesan cheese with the butter. Stir and mix until it's uniform and creamy.

  13. Serve hot in small bowls or similar plates

  14. Decorate with olive oil, fresh grinded pepper and parsley.

I mean, I love ska. But a whole eternity of it? It's just way too much.

I was thinking about this, actually. Wouldn't it be better to have users-only instances and content-only instances? That way you can have an instance with a policy towards certain subjects (e.g.: bigotry, racism, sex openness), but you chose the content you want. Just like if it were a cable or streaming service. You choose the content you want.

BTW, is there a place to discuss this? How to improve Lemmy and next steps? Also as a way to know how to contribute.

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This old meme brings back memories. Gosh it was so funny, and still is.

Remote in the ass and all.


14 years, man. And I'm still amazed. I never noticed he gets undressed under the sheets.

I'm still incredibly surprised that by taking closing communities you get your servers down. Usually it should be the other way around, but god dammit they screwed that infra somehow, somewhere.

Wait, are you telling me I shouldn't keep throwing these anvils to that damned roadrunner? Because I frigging despise him.

I'd smack the shit out of that ass.

What about the respect given to an individual because of its status in society? There are certain people that have a base level of respect because of their seniority, job or role during a period of time.

Those people may or may not show the same amount of respect towards others as is shown to them in general. And I dare say, there will be people willing to defend them even if they are not up to expectations, just because they have that seniority/job/role.

Take for instance:

  • Some politicians
  • Some celebrities
  • Some senior members of an organisation, like CEOs, CTOs, senior managers, etc.

Have a big population, season it abundantly with poverty and low social mobility, add a dash of ignorance and low education, et voilà! A magic cauldron where this and other horrific shit happen on a daily basis (if not hourly).

That photo was taken at 22:30.

Goddamn, this is fucking wholesome.

I do expect that. I expect teachers to be very well compensated. You are talking about educating future generations and the sustainability of the country. Not about selling microwaves (nothing against it, it's just that I consider teachers to be as important to society as firefighters and healthcare workers).

You look great, wiatch!

Oh... believe me, me too.

Reddit was a washed down 4chan. For those who came from a forum life in the 00's and knew 4chan too, Reddit made sense.

That kind of content will keep happening and popping, and there will be a lot of people supporting it. Because we'll always have teenagers eager to see fringe stuff, and social misfits that want to be seen/heard.

I think that we need to understand that Lemmy and the Fediverse can hold such things, but they aren't at fault for that. Reddit was faulty as a corporation, but not as a platform. And because Lemmy, the Fediverse and ActivityPub are techs free to anyone, they aren't liable for this, but the owners of the instances of these techs are.

We have already seen how this plays out, thankfully. We've seen a lot of instances defederating, and this is good. The same with many people saying to defederate from Meta's new social network.

I think we need to understand that, profoundly, human beings are very heterogeneous. We'll always have nice and bad people. And that communities reflect that. Having everything in one instance (Reddit) is not a very good solution. Having them in different instances and each one with their own ethos, makes more sense as a society. Especially because we behave like that. I usually don't mingle with douchdbags.

Well... Actually, they are. They were poor money lenders, and gave money to the neighbourhood junkie, expecting he would not buy crack. It is Argentina's fault to be in the position it is, but it's also the money lenders' to enable it.

Curiously, peanuts 🥜.

100 gr of peanuts have almost all the fatty acids that you need in a day, with almost half the minimum calorie intake required and half the protein you need. They are satiating, VERY easy to grow, and even used as a way to replenish the soil with nutrients in crop rotation.

If you ask me what was the mana taken through the dessert, I'd say most likely peanuts.

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Now you'd technically be a professional runner.

It feels a little bit like the old reddit, right? Very few in many communities. You see a lot of sttuff, you want to comment. It's a weird feeling.

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Not necessarily. Again, having content and users separated and the instances with different concerns seems like a good way to simplify operations for users and server admins/mods. And from the instance POV is just what kind of features do you enable.

Content generation only? Users creation only? Both?

It's also easier to make a service out of it.

So, I was reading lemmy's code, and seems to be doable. There also seems to be a system to which lemmy is compatible, called Matrix. Matrix seems to be a decentralised user system. Don't know really how it works or why, though.

I used to do it that way, but the Nextcloud instance was very fragile and cumbersome to maintain. In the end I switched to Dropbox. Must admit it's not my proudest move, but there's a point where I can work so much in something.


Let's agree to disagree. It's true that these companies are vulnerable and lovely honeypots for hackers. And because they know that, they'll try to harden as much as possible. Besides, not everyone is willing to create passwords out of algorithms seeded with mnemonics. Most of the people will reuse the same password over and over in different places. And that's the worst situation, because most of those sites are hundreds of times more hackable than commercial password managers.

Are there better options than commercial password managers? Yes, of course. How many are willing to use them? Maybe less than 30% of the population. And that's bad, because it makes the internet less safe for everyone.

And by the way, the method you use is one of the earliest ways to create passwords and is hackable by brute force in seconds. If I have two or more passwords, or two or more seeds, the algorithm is done unless you have some random generator in it.

Ah... war. The oldest and most revered of all human traditions. That and rape. We sure are a lovely bunch.

Yes, by Argentinian standards. That is not much, taking into account the left bias that Argentinian politics have at the moment. By most standards, Juntos por el Cambio are a social-democrat solution. That is pretty much left in most countries.

If true, that actually speaks volumes. Like what kind of guy removes a dead man, at some point revered, from the list of co-founders. What do you lose by not doing it? What did you win by doing it? I mean, the odds are you lost more than anything. Besides, he should have been your partner. Even if you did for the cash, what about all the moments you had with him? Was Aaron such a piece that you'd rather have him erased?

I seriously can't get it.

I don't understand that point of view? Why would they pay their CEOs less than any other company? If they did, then they would either not be able to hire CEOs, have the shittiest CEOs or have CEOs that wouldn't give a crap. People don't live on welfare, especially highly connected, highly educated people like CEOs.

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You, this was already happening and bound to happen with or without Milei. The difference is that, while Milei's approach is to deregulate the economy, Kirchnerism/Peronism's way was to hide the head underground and pretend it never happened.

At least now there's a plan to do it.

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