How to let my kids find quality games on Android? Right now they only find the pay to win / ad riddled games. to – 85 points –

My 9yo daughter has a tablet with family link, so I can monitor what apps she wants to install. As the garbage games are mostly at the top free, she keeps asking for games that I reject, in most cases because it's riddled with ads.

The Play Store has a section for kids, which seems to have better quality apps and games. Also thinking to subscribe to Play Pass so she can try out paid games.

Any other tips? Especially how to find good free / paid games. I don't mind paying for good games.

Also I'm aware I can block ads using eg Pi Hole (already doing that) or sometimes putting it on airplane mode, but that's not my point. I want to find and support quality games.


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get them an offline console

Yeah, perhaps a better idea. Will do that once the tablet reaches end of life.

There are these little handheld console things you can get online for like $20-50 if you think she'd like older games like classic Nintendo, one of the cheap ones is called data frog SF2000 and it looks like an old SNES controller or this one for something higher quality that can run more consoles

They're a little janky but they get the job done, they're basically just a tiny weak laptop with emulators built in that you can only play the games on

That looks cool! I think though it will be a hard sell for them as it will be a step back. However I will be looking into emulators as I think those games are better for them.