Philosophy meme to Lemmy – 296 points –

Not sure why this got removed from but it would be real nice if moderation on Lemmy gave you some sort of notification of what you did wrong. Like an automatic DM or something


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Sam Harris doesn't like this idea, lol. "morality is wellbeing!", well then what is wellbeing to a bad person? it's all relative

Professional philosophers don't take Sam Harris seriously. He's a smart guy, but his take on free will is dismissive of established philosophical literature. That is, he could do more to read and then engage with published philosophy; but maybe he doesn't think he has to since his work isn't intended for academics.

Sounds an awful lot like groupthink to me. Having differentiating takes is the point of philosophy.

In a sort of snarky way one might even say that studying it defeats the purpose, because of pollution and all that.