Windows 12 May Require a Subscription to – 930 points –
Windows 12 May Require a Subscription

[A]n INI configuration file in the Windows Canary channel, discovered by German website Deskmodder, includes references to a "Subscription Edition," "Subscription Type," and a "subscription status."


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I would switch to Linux.... Gaming has gotten much better on it thanks to proton.

Not for PCVR it hasn't. Likely won't ever work with Oculus VR games. All steam vr releases are windows only. Including from developers who traditionally would publish normal games on Linux and even macOS. Although I have high hopes for the upcoming Valve Decard doing for linux vr gaming what the Steam Deck did for normal linux gaming.

It's not perfect, but by now the only games that do not run either use rootkit anticheat or are purpose built to not function on Wine.