‘What Is Broken in American Politics Is the Republican Party’

psychothumbs@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 228 points –
‘What Is Broken in American Politics Is the Republican Party’

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Deprogramming them is going to be a decades-long process, and it can only begin when we break the far-right's media machine. Cable news and political talk radio is the cancer that is killing this country, and cutting it out is a tall order. But it must be done; it's going to take a long time to rehabilitate those who have been consuming the brain poison for 30+ years.

let's go ahead and start with some good old fashioned smacks upside the head and see what good we do, before we do much prognostication

It's so much worse than that.

In the entire history of the world, no one has EVER been able to deprogram a fascist cult of this size.

In all of human history, across all times and cultures, the only way these people have ever been defeated was through bloody conflict.

Remember, as much as you despise them bigotry, cruelty to immigrants and minorities, willful ignorance, taking away women's rights, keeping us from affordable healthcare, siding with our enemies, etc,etc ... They hate you JUST AS MUCH for entirely fictional grievances. They LITERALLY BELIEVE that Democrats are baby-killing pedophiles. They LITERALLY BELIEVE that the deep state is a real thing, and that it's acting against them.

The Q-ANON insanity is TRUTH to a huge portion of these absolute morons.