Inflated rents, high interest rates and lack of supply create European housing crisis to World – 72 points –

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The only young people I know that live in their own house were either helped by their parents partially or totally. Several people from older generations were money-wise and did not spend everything for themselves but also built a house for their offspring or saved enough money to buy it when it was still affordable (even with 2-3 children). As for the rest of us... well... I hope my company will offer me the possibility to sleep in the office 🤣

Same here. And their mortgage is lower than my rent.

Can't complain too much though cause at least I can afford rent. Many other young people are still living with their parents, need housemates (who aren't their significant other), or live in squalor.

Still, our generation has been fucked over in terms of housing. Home owners get so many benefits (loads of tax breaks, ability to install solar panels, etc) while renters are stuck. I don't see it getting better anytime soon either.

Living with my parents... at least if they need anything I'm close!