Dieguito ๐Ÿฆ

@Dieguito ๐Ÿฆ@feddit.it
5 Post – 290 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

software developer, FOSS enthusiast, ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น

I am surprised that no alt right bigot freak has yet banned the Fediverse from my country ๐ŸคŒ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น

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You know, they are not being autocratic, it's for people's own good, to protect children and other "random bullshit go!" things.

Unless we act, we're doomed. This is the new "nobles and clergymen", only it's "riches and beurocrats".

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What is the bad news?

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I known I am always complaining about Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น but one of the first thing Meloni's government did was pursue and arrest active anarchic groups, under the accusation of terrorism.

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This is Italy: racial discrimination, labor exploitation, inexistent law enforcement.

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Quality of service intensifies

You can't have bug reports if there's a bug in the submit report function!

Misinformation has already spread in the continent. This will be downvoted but "too little, too late" is the only thing that comes to my mind reading that piece of news.

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Me not having any chat because I don't have any friend

And not only will prices skyrocket, but also (at least in countries that allow it) agriculture businesses will take public money as restoration for the loss.

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They'll make their own Catholicism with blackjack and hookers!

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That's why there is a "trans" prefix in Transylvania...

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Developing software and managing a community are totally different skills and mastering both is not to be taken for granted.

Plus, since you are very passionate about the open source projects you maintain or contribute to, it is difficult to "detach" yourself from people's issues and not feel every criticism as a personal attack (and yes, when your software does not have the features/behavior they expect, some people can express their disappointment in quite a sharp way).

I prefer not to make anyone pay anything but "you get what it is, be warned that you may experience some bugs or lack of support for certain devices" (because I can't buy every piece of hardware and test). Few people have accepted this model but, those who did, have always been supportive and respectful, making me rediscover a little hope that kindness isn't dead at all.

The Old Testament is full of rules and commandments that, taken completely out of context and applied literally, would lead any modern society to collapse. In the west we thought we knew better than bronze age nomadic tribes of the Middle East, after the scientific and industrial revolutions, but in the end we keep going back to the Bible for directions. Fundamentalist christians are no exception. We should review the way we think about ourselves as "progressed" and civilized societies.

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We have a Venetian saying for those situations "(de)scantabaรนchi" which is hard to translate even in standard Italian, more or less it means "idiot-awakener"

With the ridiculous salaries they will be offered and the poor shift organization they will find, even foreign doctors will last very little. Unless they are forced to sign long term "slavery style" contracts with penalties if they resign earlier.

Italy is turning to private healthcare, there's no way back. And the US demonstrate to the world that this is a winning model... right? right? oh sh*t...

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I don't want to get political but I fear I'll have to. First world countries were forced to stop enslaving the workforce of foreign countries in the post-colonial era so, in order for their model to keep going, they are now switching to enslave their own domestic workforce. Will people realize and oppose this process? Or will people just accept everything?

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Reading this makes me realize I'm not alone as I thought. My mother too has gone completely out of control in the last 3 years with every sort of plot theory (freemasonry, 5 families ruling the world, radical anti-vax, this Pope is not the real Pope, EU is to blame for anything, etc.). I manage to "agree to disagree" most of the time but it's though sometimes... People, no matter their degree of education, love simple explanations to complex problems and an external scapegoat for their failures. These contents will always have an appeal.

Also Kotlin devs!

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In my country, 2030 is foreseen as the year the public retirement plan administration system will collapse due to this.

Dismantling public healthcare is a solution our government is already going for to the detriment of everyone (unfortunately) but public retirement plans cannot be changed retroactively to any extent, they are reducing the highest pensions and blocking the rest of them (inflation will de facto lower even the blocked ones) while at the same time increasing the retirement age progressively but still it isn't enough.

We're doomed, no matter how much blood and tears.

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Italian here: our "centre right" is actively on restricting abortion, dismantling public healthcare and education, deportation of immigrants, isolation of disabled students, eliminating LGBT rights and militarizing public spaces (with already students/protesters beaten by the police in several occasions) and of course jailing journalists and controlling the public media.

The only thing that sets them apart from their US equivalent is child labor, but they already have prevented the approval of minimum wages and other social safety net measures.

And why don't we add an "S" for straight in order to not exclude anyone? After removing the letters we remain with LBS which doesn't sound bad, it looks like a household brand...

As an Italian, it's a cheap promise for politicians and it boosts consensus in a mainly conservative/catholic country. Removing minority rights doesn't cost anything in terms of money expenditure, which (unfortunately) is the only thing Europe is concerned of about what our government does. They are now attacking "alias careers" in education, and more to come.

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The worst case is when someone requires changes, you address them, but then they disappear/go on a leave.

If the repository rules require all conversations to be resolved before merging and only the original reviewer can mark them as solved, the PR is stuck forever even if the rest of the team approves it.

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Personally, I would be in favor of having polls because I frequently involve people in taking decisions.

But my use case is quite peculiar because (1) I need to know people's opinion to take actions based on it, they would not be just informative polls (2) this group of people use Lemmy as their main interaction medium, no other platform is involved.

I've resorted to strawpoll in the past or in having comments with multiple options and relying on the most upvoted comment but these solutions have downsides.

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Here in Italy the situation is the same. They are issuing more and more working visas for immigrants and refugees in order to exploit their skills underpaid and without minimum labor rights. The propaganda, after demonizing immigrants for every possible crime before the elections, has now changed tones saying foreigners need to be employed in order to "pay retirement pensions" for the elderly and sustain the healthcare system with the taxes.

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At least it's not sweet. What triggers me (as an Italian) is the idea of a sweet/sugary topping on an otherwise salty dish.

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The first time some random user files a sue in court the admins of their instance will be in trouble.

Lemmy devs are not affected, but instance admins are and according to the GDPR they are considered "data controllers" and are responsible for the processing of users' data.

As far as I understand it, this lacking feature is an open "challenge" to existing regulation and legislators, maybe also to open people's eyes about the fact that privacy claims are often not enforced even by those who claim to do so.

Like in the old days "No previous exposure to FORTRAN" required.

Nationalism and far right movements are on the surge everywhere (except in Spain where the memory of dictatorship is still relatively fresh, just a generation ago).

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I don't know whether it's a urban legend, but apparently Icelandic has a hundred or so names for snow. We have many specific words for what is important for our survival. ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ•๐ŸคŒ

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I have already started hearing protectionistic proclaims about Chinese EVs in Europe. Sounds awkward when every single piece of technological hardware is made there and nobody has ever complained for decades. But when businessmen see their domain under threat they become aggressive.

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Last year a trans teacher in my country was not only removed but also libeled so badly she had to kill herself, the news were more or less like "see? she was actually mentally ill"... For those who don't remember, source but not for the faint of heart.

"Pisicฤƒ" sounds a lot like "pussycat" and is the generic term but in specific it can refer to female specimens, while males are "pisoi" ("tomcat"). I'm not Romanian though, so more knowledgeable people please correct me.

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In Northern Europe, maybe. In Italy she would have had a great career!

You're not alone

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Yet we're too busy fighting with each other to care.

The only young people I know that live in their own house were either helped by their parents partially or totally. Several people from older generations were money-wise and did not spend everything for themselves but also built a house for their offspring or saved enough money to buy it when it was still affordable (even with 2-3 children). As for the rest of us... well... I hope my company will offer me the possibility to sleep in the office ๐Ÿคฃ

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This "reasoning" is quite similar to what patriarch Kirill of Moskov declared a year ago, with the difference that it referred to the depraved "West" (not US specifically). He was harshly criticized by western media and even ridiculed for being expression of a retrograde and superstitious approach to religion.

Ironically, now the most democratic country of the world, the homeland of freedom itself, is having its political (not even religious) leaders telling basically the same thing.

How quickly the tide turns.

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