Business owner 'hires' ChatGPT for customer service, then fires the humans

Lee to – 338 points –
Business owner 'hires' ChatGPT for customer service, then fires the humans

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I see two inevitable problems;

  1. we outsourced this to you because it was cheaper, if you're using ChatGPT what do we need you for?

  2. companies want people to buy stuff, but if you significantly reduce the workforce you also reduce the availability of funds to buy stuff

1, I assume you mean the business does outsourced customer service, not as an internal department.

2, universal basic income time, or let's put people to work on creative, innovative applications not mind numbing shit

We don't need to keep all bullshit jobs around. The printing press putting hand written scribes out of jobs was a good thing. This is similar. New jobs will be created that will hopefully create more productive work.