Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode to – 393 points –

I get that it's open source provided you use codium not code but I still find that interesting


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Ohh can you do Exel-Style arithmetics in Word tables? You can in LibreOffice. Maybe it's just so widely used no one really knows other Office programs are basically on par with MS Office or even better.

LibreOffice UI is really... well... old. UX is really bad : it's on par with GIMP's ideology of "make it as hard as possible to get things done"

I disagree. I actually like the LibreOffice, non-tabbed, UI. It's a UI/UX that I'm used to from Office 2003 and honestly prefer. The 2007+ ribbon interface makes things harder for me to find.

Like I'm used to GIMP and can't do shit in photoshop. That doesn't mean the UX is good though, just that you got used to it and are not willing to change.

You know there are like 7 different layouts built in and you can create custom ones. You can even make it look like world if you like.