Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode to – 393 points –

I get that it's open source provided you use codium not code but I still find that interesting


Because the hate is based on their shitty OS. They did a fairly good job with VSCode. Our hate isn't blind.

VScode is the epitome of the EEE strategy. The core product is open-source, but it's filled to the brim with tracking and the official extensions have DRM. Yes, there's DRM on your python LSP.

Anyone who gives a shit should look for alternatives right away. The problem is just that there aren't any that are as easy to set up.

I think, I should switch to Codium for personal projects. Let's hope there is a binary package on Gentoo.

I mean, you probably already have electron compiled, no?

No, I don't. I saw it on Flathub; will install it from there.

Shouldn't using VSCodium solve the telemetry problem?

Aren't there FOSS linters which work for VSCodium?

Not hate in my case, but I don't like ms and it's because of the shit they have done in 90s and 2000s. Their current support of linux is not something I trust.

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I hate Google but they gave us Go, Kubernetes. I hate Amazon but they gave us AWS. I plainly hate those companies, but adore the brilliant engineers that work there.

Google is also one of the most prolific contributors to Linux, and was the #3 corporate contributor in 2022. If you're avoiding everything Google had a hand in you literally can't use any GNU/Linux.

It's almost as though the beauty of open source is that it doesn't matter who contributes, we all benefit from the result because we can all check each other's work and all use what we want

Google is perfect at getting rich by shipping disgusting 90% FOSS 10% Tracking software. Literally all their Android Apps are closed source tracking malware. AOSP gets nearly no attention. But yeah, good Platforms

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Google is not deeply rooted in trying to harm the free/open software movement, unlike Microsoft. MS has always been the ideological enemy of Linux.

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Yet most project uses GitHub too you know...

This one is a bigger issue. One of the projects I used to contribute to moved to Gitlab, and saw a significant decrease in organic contributors. GitHub simply has more users, better SEO, and a better ecosystem

Personally, I'd like for everything to be on Codeberg or something but I guess that's far away.

True but GitHub wasn't always Microsoft and at least in my experience moving between git providers is a pain

How is it a pain? You just change the origin on your existing project, and new projects you just use the new one to start with.

The pain is with the migration of a ci/cd template to another

You gotta change the origin on every deployment you have. Update environment vars, reconfigure tools. You have to port all your PRs over somehow. Your issues. Your documentation. All the access keys. Etc.

With Gitlab embracing activitypub, at least the issues can bei easily migrated now/soon.

Are they embracing activity pub? I read it is just one guy in the community working in it.

And the vast majority of users are on GitHub, looking for code on there. Having activity pub on other forges will not change that big time:-(

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I only use vim.

i have been trapped for 2 years now... hope seems pointless

you get trapped in Vim because you dont know how to exit.

i get trapped because ive sunk so much time configuring

Agreed to the latter point. The only reason why I might not use vim is to copy-paste some code in and out of the file, in which case I prefer plain text editors.

With that said, I'm a purist who uses vim without any external plug-ins (other than the files I wrote myself in ftplugin). Use vim on a remote machine whilst SSHed into it from a windows machine and wanting to copy-paste stuff in and out is a major pain which is why I downloaded Vscode in the first place. This piece of cancer is not touching my linux machine.

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At least use VSCodium which is VSCode without telemetry/tracking ...

Unfortunately it's not a drop in replacement. The biggest issue was certain extensions are not available on codium.

If you want to support Microsoft then at least give them your personal data too. Don't tease the poor corpo :-(

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My bigger problem is many swear on FLOSS, but using Apple is OK. Go to a FLOSS conference and there are Macs everywhere.

It's undeniable that Microsoft has had positive influences on the opensource world with language servers, debug adapter protocol, an inbrowser editor that is seemingly embedded in any website with a code editor, cross-platform C# (maybe that's a curse though, I dunno), linux contributions, and probably more I'm not aware of. Apple... I dunno. Vendor lock-in and more electronic trash?

Apple isn't okay. Apple is forced onto developers. The general population using Apple products requires developers to use Macs. And, last time I checked, it's a lot easier carrying around one laptop than two. It also doesn't hurt that Apple products aren't exactly the quality of off-brand Chinese laptops.

I hope EU slaps Apple hard for abusing their market position in this. I've seen it happen in several companies I've worked in. Developers prefer Linux, but it's the only machine you can build for all target platforms, so.... macbooks it is.

Plenty of developers prefer Macs to anything else. Forcing developers to use Macs for iOS development isn't okay though.

Plenty of developers prefer Macs to anything else.

Of course. They are pretty great battery wise. UX and OS is however inconsistent, buggy and frustrating. I had expected "annoying design decisions", but not wrong and buggy ones.

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I am one of those people. I have a Macbook Air laptop, which I mainly use to remote into my Linux desktop while on the go (mainly with vscode by the way). I found this to be sweet spot of usability, while at home the laptop is in a bag, charging and waiting for the next outing. This way I can enjoy the niceties of having a big desktop PC (performance, a LOT of USB ports, a huge monitor).

The reason I have the Apple laptop is mainly because of the lightness and battery life. No other machine comes close to it. For now I sort of treat it as a dumb terminal, so MacOS is not a big hassle for me (except for the insanely dumb window management). I will try to ditch MacOS as soon as Asahi Linux releases webcam and microphone support, because it is the only thing that is stopping me from using it.

And yeah, the ugly truth is that once I damage the screen or the SSD fails, the whole thing becomes e-waste (and money-waste).

Apple does have some open source contributions. One example is CUPS, which was made by Apple and is now used by most modern Linux distros for managing printers. If you want more examples you'll have to ask someone who actually likes Apple, I'm sure they can think of more.

There's also Webkit, which a few foss browsers (ie gnome web, and whatever kde's browser is called) use instead of Chromium or Gecko, and Swift, a c++ based language that I haven't personally seen used much outside of iOS development.

I don't like Apple tho (:

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I mean if it's the choice between Fisher-Price Linux in a decently good looking package or Windows in whatever (maybe entirely useless spec) machine your employer offers, it's probably better to get the Mac for a lot of people.

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cross-platform C#

Sure it's cross platform, but it lacks feature parity with the Windows version. And the development experience is lacking on Linux. It's not even that they haven't brought everything over, it's that they've even removed features, like hot-reload, from Linux.

Do you think Microsoft removed features from their language because they hate Linux? Or do you think maybe the way syscalls and the filesystem work are different in Linux and that makes hot reload a bit of an engineering problem?

We can never know, but I'm guessing Microsoft didn't port their language to Linux just to shoot themselves in the foot. On the other hand, it is Microsoft.

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VSCode isn't even that good, idk why people are obsessed with it.

For anything compiled, Jetbrains beats it 100:1, and for anything interpreted it's a couple tiers better than Kate.

Personally, I won't be losing sleep if I have to stop using VSCode.

If jetbrains is that much better really depends on the language. Also, jetbrains shit is damn expensive, so not a fair comparison.

They have free 'community editions', I haven't really found a need for a licence. I've only used IntelliJ, PyCharm, and ReSharper though.

Edit: I meant rider but I was using a student licence for it anyway.

IntelliJ and PyCharm are the only JetBrains IDEs with community editions. If you want to use CLion for example, you'll either have to be a student or you have to pay.

or the project being opensource(it's i read right now) don't know how it work tho

Your project needs to be at least 3 months old with regular commits of code files (text files, readmes, or any other non code don't count). That's pretty much it.

I just went through the process, but since my project is only a month old, I got rejected. They told me to apply again in 2 months. My project is in Python, so I'm just using the community edition in the meantime, which is fine. I just really want the test code coverage feature of the paid version.

Also, jetbrains shit is damn expensive

Is it though? Considering the amount of time you spent in it and the potential productivity increase it might give you I'd consider it very fairly priced.

Expensiveness does not have to mean it isn't priced fairly. Not everyone has the money to drop on tools like it, or is able to get their work to pay for it, even it is worth it.

For some time now I mostly write rust and I'm actually very satisfied with VS Code and rust-analyzer. I tried intelliJ-rust but didn't find it better. To be fair, I haven't tried the new jetbrains rust IDE though.

The thing is the VS code handles everything (with extensions). If I want to use pandoc, or CSV to markdown table, python linting, Go,, whatever, there's extensions that can handle all of these equally well and consistently, for example format on save.

If I want to use jetbrains then the pycharm for python, intelliJ for Java, Goland for golang... Then there's licencing depending on whether I'm using a personal licence or corporate laptop, whether I have to get a licence from my employer etc.

For me it's not so much that it's so good, but that it works with everything in a consistent and obvious way plus I can install it on any machine I might be using.

The Intellij plugin ecosystem is pretty good. Granted my day job is 80% Java/Kotlin but I also need python and ruby and go and the plug-ins have never let me down. I don’t have pycharm or Ruby Mine or Goland installed.

The license also explicitly lets you use your work license for personal stuff or your personal license for work stuff. The only difference is who pays. You also don’t need a license to use the community edition.

It’s also pretty good at CSV and markdown files. I might be biased because I spend probably 60 hours a week using Intellij but I don’t find any of your points against it to be accurate.

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Jetbrains IDEs are not free though are they?

I also quite like the light touch feel you get from code, I can use it for any language and am not going to have to navigate through hundreds of language specific features I don't need unless I install them myself

Kate might do similar but I can't imagine the extension pool is big enough to compete and I think at that point I'd just use a commandline editor instead

Some are, the intellij java community edition is even open source. The paid ones are not too expensive, I pay around 200€ yearly for the all products pack and that's definitely worth it for a professional developer. If you are a student or open source developer, you can apply for free versions also.

VSCode is a modern emacs. Similar concept, a single editor to do everything via extensions. That's the selling point. "young people" never had the chance to work with a similar concept, this is why they found it so revolutionary (despite being a concept from the 70s).

I use it because I am forced to use a windows laptop at work, and emacs on windows is a painful experience

I use vscode because I do a lot of embedded.

Used to be that you had to jump through some hoops to make it work - make your own makefiles and stuff. Now, all the major vendors of MCUs are starting to develop vscode plugins as their "IDE" instead of those horrible ultramodified eclipse installs.

Exactly. Jetbrains stuff is great.

With one notble exception: Android Studio, but it only sucks only because of the way Android is. And there is no alternative anyway...

Right tool for the right job. Like I use VSCode for PowerShell on AWS Windows boxes over SSH, works great. But for Python or Terraform, JetBrains Suite is just better in everyway.

I write small scripts in NeoVim and larger projects in VSCodium because it provides most of what I need and doesn't consume a lot of resources. It's a good tool, you can also use forks or alternatives, and i think that's the spirit of open source, isn't it?

I also have been trying Kate, works greats and with even better performance.

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Your daily reminder that VSCode is shit not because of telemetry (take your time foil hat off for one second and hear me out and I say that jokingly with love) but because the extension marketplace is not allowed to be accessed by third party tools (INCLUDING CODIUM) and even then many of the extensions are proprietary, closed source. You're not even allowed to distribute compiled VSIX files. It's disgusting. Reading about the troubles gitpod faced that led to the (now) Eclipse Marketplace (idk the name, but it's for VS Code plugins, don't be tricked, it's just owned by Eclipse foundation) is disheartening.

Oh shit really? I knew their debugger was locked down didn't know extensions were

Codium seems to have all the same extensions though, has someone else just setup their own marketplace?

Yeah, there is an open marketplace. It's the one Codium uses by default. The problem is there's no way for the controllers to just mirror everything because of the licenses. Also some of the extensions don't work with Codium even if you download manually from the website because of bullshit like tweaking the name or whatever.

Those that truly dislike MS and telemetry won't.

If I'm using non-free it is Jet Brains.

I tend to use Kate, KDevelop.

MS still slurping code into Copilot from Github and telemetry in VSCode.

MS still slurping code into Copilot from [...] telemetry in VSCode.

Would you happen to have a source for that? At a cursory glance, it looks like VSCode only does that if you're using Copilot, but if you don't have the extension installed they aren't.

VScode is proprietary and is a black box. The scary think for me is that you don't know what the program is doing

VSCode is an open source IDE. Its biggest rival is the JetBrains suite. When the alternatives are proprietary, VSCode is a win.

VScode isn't foss. It just contains some open source code.

It contains mostly open source code. The proprietary binary MS distributes adds very little proprietary stuff to it. You can use the open source version Code - OSS just fine or use VSCodium which is based on that

Interesting, how do you get this Code-OSS?

If you're on Linux, you can download it as a flatpak or if you're on arch through the package manager. Maybe it's also in the repositories of other distros but I can't check that. I also have no idea how to download it on Windows. I would recommend getting VSCodium anyway though. It's also available as a flatpak, in the AUR and on their website for Windows.

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Have you tried any of the JetBrains products, they are great.

I did for a few years. Eventually I had to switch to VSCode because any given Jetbrains product is only good at a single language, and constantly switching Jetbrains products is a nightmare. Now that I've been using VSCode for a while, there are some extension that are so critical to my workflow Jetbrains is virtually useless to me without them.

Yeah, I mean, if it works better for you, then good on you 😎 I mostly just stick to Python and Terraform. I used their GoLand IDE for a while, it was nice. What extensions are ya using? I've seen a lot of embedded folks really like VSCode.

Most extensions have good equivalents. Other languages like Julia are VSCode only. Fortran was the language that really made me jump ship, PyCharm's Fortran extension is barely syntax highlighting. Remote - SSH is the killer though, it is a beautifully made and essential tool for working with remote systems.

Most importantly, PyCharm doesn't really have any killer features or extensions that makes it essential.

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Neovim user here. Granted it takes some time to setup properly but it’s really fast with navigating through files, lsp functions and doing a search in thousands of files.

I found vscode too slow and bloated for my taste.

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Its not only Microsoft crap, its also an Electron app!

Don't use vscode, use vsCodium, all the goodness of vscpde with none of the sleezy ms tracking

It's kinda like using chromium instead of chrome, isn't it? Don't use either; use firefox.

No idea what the editor equivalent would be though... Emacs or vim maybe? Next to noone uses it, but it has so much more potential, if only it where widely adopted.

There really isn't for free, at least as far as I am aware. You are probably right that Emacs can come somewhat close with the right packages and setup, but VSCode extensions just makes everything so much quicker and easier. JetBrains is also similarly good, but it's obviously not FOSS, and I guess it would be considered a full IDE not a text editor.

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I mentioned vscodium. I believe many of the official extensions have telemetry too though

The extension marketplace VSCodium uses by default requires that extensions have telemetry off by default

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"Most of us hate microsoft" is honestly a pretty bold claim. They're just a company that makes software. The vast majority of the world's Linux users--which is to say, professionals who build or manage software that runs in Linux--don't care about them one way or another.

This sub might have an ideological skew, but you still don't know what people in here think about Microsoft.

Microsoft has been a pain for Linux professionals and maintainers for decades. M$ called Linux a cancer and actively developed strategies to harm us. Look up halloween documents. No reason to believe they are different now.

No I hate MS. I won't ever forget the pain that was developing edge cases around Internet Explorer (fuck IE 6, that shit was the worst).

To be fair, when ie6 came out it was a really good browser. The concept of evergreen browsers wasn't broadly a thing back in 2001. Windows XP was a huge success and there was no way to convince the world to move off of it and many companies built their intranets specifically around ie6. I think it was Korea that built all their banking off of Active X.

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This reminds me of when my dad holds an ideological belief about something based on politicians he doesn't like who support it.

"Climate change isn't real because Al Gore..."

"Supply Side Jesus isn't valid because Al Franken..."

"Affirmative Action is racist because Al Sharpton..."

Actually now that I think about it, maybe he just doesn't like people named Al...🤔

But anyway, if it's open source, and the source is sufficiently audited by third parties, and I'm able to compile and run it myself, and running it doesn't have undesired behavior (telemetry etc) then I don't care who wrote it, because it does exactly what I need it to.

Unfortunately VSCode is not an open-source product, it's only based on an open-source product. It's the difference between Chrome and Chromium. VSCode does have telemetry. VSCode is licensed under Microsoft's proprietary license.

So I suspect you don't use any extensions or found a way not to get them from Microsoft?

I don't use vscode, I was just explaining that my requirements for using an open source product for my personal uses are independent of who wrote the code. I'm never going to say "I won't use X source code just because Y wrote it", that's just silly. If I have the code, and it does what I would want it to do if I wrote it myself, and it doesn't do anything I don't want it to do, then I don't care where it came from.

Lately I've been using Neovim.

Yes, and I was adding that it is not enough for the product to be open source if the ecosystem surrounding it (e.g. extensions) still drives you to use proprietary software

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Choosing not to use good software from the same company just because another software they offer is subpar would be an unreasonable decision.

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It's a tool. You use the best tool available. Getting your day job done is your bottom line, you can't afford to be any less productive. If you're a foss coder doing it on your own time, go crazy. Using the most efficient tool isn't the same thing as supporting a company's bad practices, the real world isn't black and white.

That's a bit black and white of you, isn't it? I don't like this approach ("can't afford to be any less productive"). I am a freelancer and I certainly can afford to be a bit less productive and earn a little less money by supporting and using free software only. And making you belive that you have to use the most efficient tool - no matter what - is exactly part of what keeps bad acting companies successful.

Using the most efficient tool isn’t the same thing as supporting a company’s bad practices

In some cases it is. Using google, or voice assistants, or chatgpt might be convenient for you, it might even make you the most productive you can be, but it's also supporting their platform and any associated bad practices.

I don't have any issues with using proprietary or closed source software, but that doesn't mean you should always use the best tool available. Because, you see, the real world isn't black and white 😉.

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Well it's really noob friendly. The introductory courses in programming all tell you to use it and it takes some time and experience to find alternative editors that 1. you like better, and 2. won't confuse you more than the course itself does.

I used to use VSCodium and the Vim extension. Then I downloaded Neovim and started configuring it, but I was never really satisfied with the config. Then I found Doom Emacs. It was pretty much the thing I tried turning Neovim into.

But I wouldn't recommend Doom Emacs to a first-year student that is still learning the fundamentals.

Edit: typos

My hate for Microsoft is based on the Embrace-Extend-Extinguish business tactics they use since the 80's instead of competing on product quality.

Take a look at the recent computing history and you'll find plenty of examples of great software killed by MS shitty alternatives that were the default because of the stranglehold on the OS market.

Not even sure it's EEE, they just clone and provide the clone of a good product for free and/or as part of windows.
Their products are usually only second best, but kill the market leader anyway.

ITT people having their minds blown by the fact the creator and the creation are two different things.

It’s hard to separate yourself from it when the company you work for uses it heavily and leans on some of the extensions for things like containers.

I used to be a hardcore Sublime Text user until it started formatting all of my code like garbage. I had plugins conflicting with each other and couldn’t find alternatives that did what I needed without clashes happening. Plus, barely anything is alive over on the Sublime side.

It’s hard to say no to an editor with that big of a community. You can find 100 plugins for your one need, vs 2 on the Sublime side (and you end up finding that those 2 plugins haven’t been updated in years).

You can always fallback to VSCodium.

The ability to open gigabytes of log files though, vscode will kill your machine while sublime text can do it without sweating. Also, vscode sometimes used a lot of memory after running for a while, compared to sublime text's minimal memory usage. Still, the killer feature of vscode is the remote development IMO, super useful when using a laptop and working outside. Microsoft seems to refuse opensourcing that part so can't use it on vscodium.

I don't use VSCode for the exact reason. I used VSCodium but switched to Neovim. I see this problem more with GitHub (also owned by Microsoft). I was not able to get off GitHub yet, but I'm planning to switch to Codeberg probably. I heard that GitLab is also closed source?

Gitlab is open source, but some features are only available in their Enterprise Edition. As the name suggests, unless you are looking for an alternative for a large company, the open source "Community" Edition is enough for all your needs.

I am also facing the same issue with Github and switching to codeberg. My first hurdle is clouflare pages not sourcing codeberg for website source, only giving options for github and gitlab

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Which goes to show that we don't blindly hate Microsoft, and that it's not that we refuse to use Windows because it's made by them, but because it's shit.

I use NeoVim, but I don't hate Microsoft (they contribute a lot to Linux kernel). What is wrong with me?

I prefer Linux but I do think that the hate for Windows is blown out of proportion. Teams is a whole different story.

Oh god teams is a great example of a product that is only successful because of a walled garden

Don't think I've ever heard an opinion of teams more positive than "it's good enough"

For anyone who likes neovim but wants a little extra UI, I've been liking LunarVim recently. Unfortunately their install process is not trivial, but worth it IMO. I still use NeoVim for quick editing of files due to the slightly longer boot time of LV, but for extended writing its nice.

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I just want Atom back, or anything that works like it. I want a text editor with a folder tree browser. Syntax highlighting is nice. And decent full project text search.

I use vim for writing code, and atom for taking notes, or just reading code. Then they shut down atom and it sucks.

I hate that I need to dedicate so much time to finding new tools in tech. It’s nice that vim doesn’t change.

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If Windows was open source it wouldn’t be as bad

It's not the closed source that bothers me it just feels painful to use

Applications should not take that long to open on an nvme and an i7

Not AS bad, but it's still shitty IMO based on design posture and weird design decisions

You use whatever works best for you. Microsoft Lens, on Android, is still unmatched for scanning, correcting perspective, and cleaning up whiteboards. No OSS tool comes close - and, believe me, I tried to use others (or, other; I think OpenScan is the only thing that attempts something similar). It would be foolish to not use a tool that you like using and doesn't have any hidden consequences, merely because of on opinion.

I don't think VSCode is particularly good, myself, but the point remains: it's free, I haven't heard anything about it surreptitiously sending info to MS, and if it works for people, then great.

I think the proprietary version MS distributes does send telemetry data to them but I personally just use VSCodium, which is based on the open source VS Code version.

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I agree with being pragmatic, but the opinion of hating Microsoft isn't unfounded. There are pragmatic reasons to avoid building up and entrenching yourself in tooling that doesn't respect you as a user or is controlled by companies that has interests that don't align with yours.

I didn't say iy was wrong to hate Microsoft. I said that it's silly to ignore the best tool on only principle. You might not want it because it costs money, or collects telemetry, or because you want to avoid vendor lock-in; these are all reasons that have a grounded cost, even if the yool is best in class. But just because you don't like the company itself?

If MS took VS Code away tomorrow, devs would switch to something else. That's a cost I'm not willing to pay, but if they are... eh. If Microsoft took Lens away, well, we're fucked, because the OSS community has not offered any solution that works better than just taking a picture and cleaning it up in GIMP.

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I was using Atom, but that died. I work with both Python and Fortran, and VSCode works for my usecase, but I'm open to suggestions.

Pulsar was forked from Atom and lives on!

Didn't know about this, will definitely give this a shot. There's also Lapce, which doesn't use Electron and looks promising.

I almost see Pulsar as the anti-VSCode/Microsoft in a way. Microsoft slowed development and killed Atom in order to promote use of VSCode. Instead of letting it die we decided to keep it alive and offer it as a viable alternative. So in some sense it almost exists just to spite Microsoft's attempts to kill it.

Nice! I used atom for about a year before it was discontinued and switched to just using Kate. Definitely going to have to checkout pulsar, thanks for dropping it here.

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I switched to neovim. You can also use a text editor for more basic stuff

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I'll be interested to see how JetBrains's Fleet works out. I like Rider a lot more than full Visual Studio (also Rider is actually available on Linux).

I wouldn't say I "hate" Microsoft (or Apple, or Google), but I recognize the harm they do to the free software movement and to the technology world in general. I wouldn't avoid a good quality free software just because it's made by a GAFAM company (as long as I stick with the free parts and avoid proprietary extensions), just like I wouldn't use proprietary software just because it's not made by GAFAM.

The point isn't to hate GAFAM but to seek freedom and control over your computing.

I feel like microsoft's gameplan is less "everyone must use windows" these days and more "we want to gatekeep tech on as many levels as possible". I'm wary of relying on anything they put out. I think we've all recently seen what big tech companies do when they decide its time to monetize more aggressively.

Right now helix is pretty good for what I do with it.

I was using Sublime Text for many years. Even after Atom came out I still used ST3. However, ST development is understandably slow compared to VSCode and it is now so far behind that loyalty isn't enough of a reason to continue using it.

I've been using sublime since forever as well; Atom never really felt like a valid alternative because it was so so slow. VSCode still feels kinda slow but not to a degree that gets to be annoying. Still I could never get used to it. It breaks some system keyboard shortcuts that I use heavily (alt + arrow keys for example) and takes forever to parse files (to make a list of all functions in the project for example).

I wish sublime would update more often and have all the cool new things that come to VSCode every other week, but at the end of the day it still works better and doesn't really lack anything that's actually useful (except maybe for a few months before st4 came out).

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Agreed, I share the same frustration (including for Chromium) as if developers were somehow blissfully ignorant of the political and economical power they give away to company that use and abuse their work, truly self flagellating.

If you're a true MS hater you can't use TypeScript either. /sarcasm

If you work as developer, depending on where you work at using code editors with features like remote SSH is a must. If you are just a hobbyist even coding on Nodepad++ will do.

Vscode, the chrome browser with a ide suit. No thanks

I need to use VSCode at university because their version of neovim is too outdated for my config...

Have you tried compiling neovim for your own personal use? There are a bunch of possible issues that can arise, like lack of enough space or required dependencies, but if you miss neovim it might be worth trying

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I use neovim for the vast majority of the programming I do but I do still have VSCode installed. Maybe I should just delete it? I opened it after I saw this post and there was a whole bunch of extension updates just sitting there.

Kinda wish GNOME builder was a bit better at being a general purpose editor. That's just because I'm a bit of a GNOME/GTK pervert though and I would love to use a sexy looking app for dev work.

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It's definitely one of those "a broken clock is still right twice a day" situations. It's a good product and I find it invaluable for PowerShell scripting. I have, however, been trying to dial in emacs for PowerShell.

And vscode doesn't even work properly. The amount of colleagues I have using it for C++ and they can't even get intellisense working with the f-ing thing. It's bonkers they work that way. It takes them ages to do anything, and its not a case of them being super experienced and not needing those aides.

Playing the devil's advocate here, even IDEs like Visual Studio and IntelliJ have multiple times crashed on me or taken ages to update a single line on intellisense. C++ is simply a language where a dynamic LSP is everything but easy to make.

I have nothing to say about CLion. I have been using it for large codebases, rust and C++, for ages. Even with neovim+LSP I get better results than vscode

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Because it's one of the few good microsoft products

Intellisense is the reason

Intellisense dies when you write heavily templated C++ code (and there are valid production cases for that: in my job we write lots of expression templates to produce optimized math code). In contrast, I found clangd to be pretty responsive even in such scenarios.

I thought that was just their term for code aware features like jumping to defn/references, doc popups, completions, renaming and so on. That is in no way unique to vscode.

vim and neovim actually hold a pretty significant marketshare on Linux. a lot of developers use MacOS or Windows, so what does it matter if one more small thing is proprietary? It obviously does matter, but people don't think of it that way.

I honestly don't get it. I had to use it on a job until recently and needed a few plugins for it to be useful. Every major plugin either got worse over time or never fully functioned to begin with. On top of that, it was sometimes slow as fuck despite me having a rather strong machine.

It borrowed the concept from old editor such emacs. It is a modern emacs. A single editor to do literally everything via plugins. The idea is that one needs to learn a single editor to master everything.

It is very powerful for people who do multiple things. It's not worthy if the whole job is to simply writing java or c#. In that case a dedicated ide is better

Vim and screen have always met my coding needs

How do you use screen for programming?

There's nothing worse than SSHing into a remote machine, coding some stuff in vim and losing the SSH connection randomly. Especially when you're working in a controlled remote environment instead of locally, screen is super useful to keep your place when you get back.

screen or tmux are invaluable for programming in the terminal. both for opening more than one shell in a session, and for not accidentally closing a session just because you accidentally closed the window or lost connection. Check this out.

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Not me, i use and like a lot QtCreator... Granted, i work with C/C++ so... But its Open Source, cross-platform, has tons of integeations with analyzers debuggers and various tools.

Kdevelop never triggered my bells and CodeBlocks just doesnt feels right for me, but thats me.

For everyrhing else vim or kate depending on how i feel.

I don't hate Microsoft that much. But I do hate that remote ssh for a while didn't work on codium resulting in having no choice but to use vscode and getting used to it.

I'm thinking of ditching it. It's been pretty awful lately. A lot of the official extensions I relied on have regressed to the point of being useless.

Also, releasing a FLOSS editor and then forcing you to use a proprietary build with telemetry if you want to debug .NET code is the most Microsoft thing ever.

I hate Windows. I'm too young for all that Microsoft drama, so they're fine in my books.

Y’all use VSCode??? Whatever happened to good ol’ Sublime Text?

Both are text editors, but VSCode's plugin system and various config options can turn it a fully fledged IDE for the languages of your choice.

Besides, Sublime is exactly that: good, old.

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Sublime Text is proprietary, which makes it a non-starter for many including myself. VS Code, on the other hand, might be developed by Microsoft but there is a liberated version called VSCodium that has none of the telemetry and such.

That being said, on GNU/Linux I prefer Kate.

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I actually do not use it, not out of any kind of moral stance but it just runs slow for me.

It's quite common knowledge, Microsoft does horrible operating systems but great dev tools. Visual Studio (not vscode) was amazing to develop software.

And thanks god we don't have to deal with Eclipse anymore.

The real question would be why the open source community cannot create a better dev tool that's not outmatched by a glorified text editor.

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And one tought: i do despise microsoft and i dont care if any of its products seems good. They re there to infiltrate and destroy, they have always been from msdos times, and rest assured thats what they will do also with vscode/codium.

Do not fall into this trick, make good products better, dont piggy back on who showed to stick it in your rear end again and again over time.

For all their faults, Microsoft are rather good at languages and the tooling around them.

I'm not sure why people are surprised by that. I mean they are a software company. Their procedures, tools, methodology etc. for software development have been refined over the past 50 years. You don't take over the world with just evil tendencies, you also need to put out decent software in a competent manner.

If you really dont like a company and its products you must vote with your wallet or usage in this case. Its that simple. The reason why people that dislike M$ still use vscode and/or windows is simply they actually dont care that much and mostly make noise. I vote with my wallet and have a full jetbrains subscription, I use most their IDE's everyday and its been great. Anyone really depending on income through coding must acquire the best tools available if they are reasonably priced so be it.

vote with your wallet or usage in this case

In the case of companies as large as Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc sadly this is not enough. I suggest reading Chokepoint Capitalism (Giblin and Cory 2022) in which they highlight the numerous mechanisms, legal or not, they use to prevent actual competition. So... yes vote with your "wallet or usage" but also with your actual political vote in the hope that people elected will enforce existing policies, e.g antitrust, so that competition can genuinely exist.

100% agree. Participation in the election process is a must if you're in a country that allows one to do so. I've not heard about this book, will have a look.

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Have you had a merge conflict yet? A breeze to manage with GH Desktop + VSC

A merge conflict is a breeze to handle in the terminal. I haven’t seen any tools that improve on that substantially.

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honestly, after atom died and vscode announced it would stop supporting mac, i knew i needed a change. i found i could replace 80% of it with tmux and vim plugins, and some bash tricks. so thats where i am now. it takes commitment for sure

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Definitely dislike MS, generations of my workstations have small, yellow "Microsoft Free Workstation" stickers on their monitors, but VSCodium (in my case) is not really bad.

Also I really like the Xbox360 console and (as a hacker and maker) still love the first Kinnect. The Kinnect is an excellent piece of sensor-hardware, was rather cheap when purchased in used condition and it works very well with Linux.

I'm not sure why people even use vscode over vim