
1 Post – 227 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Funny I said the same thing in 1995.

The internet is what you make of it. Meaning, you don’t need the entire wide area network, you just need what you don’t want in your local area network.

In terms of an interconnected network, you need only what you need!

This is an amazing time. Lemmy, self hosting, docker, cloud hosting, $100 consumer devices that rival $10k servers from ten years ago, AI, LLM, global gaming, etc….

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I liked chrome because it was quick and had useful features. Past tense. C-ya.

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I disagree.

Ricers, in the 80s, as a term that referred to Japanese cars (Honda, Toyota) who burned rice instead of gas. This is bad. Full stop.

From there, rice, in the 90s-00s, referred to the Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancement: typically bolted onto Honda and Toyota, it moved from that to any cosmetic car customization 10s.

Now we are in 20s, and rice refers to customizations that represent one’s personal choices regarding cosmetic enhancements.

Is that a bad thing?

Why should a word be locked in on a definition from 40 yrs ago? Why should it be stuck in the past?

Why not reclaim a word? Customizing a desktop is a labor of love. It takes a decent amount of time, and is deeply personal, representing one’s own taste.

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Some guy writes about how lonely he is, and a bot trims his writing by 88%.

Swedish House Mafia got that gang game brrr brrr brrr

To be fair, old ssl isn’t really ssl at all & considered to be a vulnerability by a lot of libraries.

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I like the idea of predefined / selectable post #tag and user defined #tag in comments.

Believe there should be a question type tag for a post that allows the OP or the moderator team to apply 1 or more answer type tags to the comments.

I think it is important for a community to decide which tags will be mandatory, and if they are, requiring the post to have at least one of those tags before submitting (esp for fan communities where spoilers can be a thing). Reddit does this in the worst way possible and should not be a model.

When posting content, community specific tag guidelines should be visible.

It will be important for tags to work from both mobile and laptop views.


A community should be able to optionally define up to three tags as hot / hotter / hottest (in order) to encourage content.

Tags should have colors.

Community specific tags should have limits (3? 5?) so that users don’t have to deal with OCD mods.

Communities should be able to decide which instance tags do and don’t apply—don’t force tags in a community.

When viewing a list of posts in a community, I should be able to select tags to filter posts.

When viewing a post, I should be able to select the tag to see a list of other posts in that community that also have that tag.

Finally tags should be multi lingual. Even community ones.

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whaat...c arrays are safe, just make sure to avoid bugs & use cases that make them unsafe! ;P

imo, when safety is required, use a diff language with in grammar options.


My advice - do not fall into the trap that you can run e-mail better than a provider who does that for a living.

The easiest way imo is to pick a provider who specializes in this sort of thing. Then begin to rotate your accounts from the old account to the new one, utilizing aliases or masks as needed and desired.

as you do so , archive old emails off your old account. Periodically check but remove it from your daily driver. At some point, all will be left is spam at which point you can … let that mail provider manage for you.

Many mail providers have excellent spam protection so you are right - get it at the source.

Depends how much your time is worth? For some it is easily worth the $1-$5/USD Month to let your mail provider handle the bulk of it.

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Rasberry Pi or other NUC is a great way to begin.

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There are 26 letters in the alphabet I can read far more quickly. Videos are fun to make & shitty to consume.

Tweets are stupid as f. I can’t say it is wrong to kill the word tweet (barf) BUT the whole world knows wtf a tweet is.

Elon is going full on gen-x, this is generational battle royale to the max.

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Certain cloud providers are as secure, if not more secure, than a home lab. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, et al. are responding to 0-day vulnerabilities on the reg. In a home lab, that is on you.

To me, self-hosted means you deploy, operate, and maintain your services.

Why? Varied...the most crucial reason is 1) it is fun because 2) they work.

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Dozens I tell you.

Nah, Unity is a monetization company pretending to be a game platform.

even their enterprise pricing model is fucked:

100k = $12.5k 300k = $18k 500k = $10k 1M = $10k

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I am going to bring it up a level. I don’t really agree with the surface level analysis of ZDNET.

It’s all a bit janky. The jank is really reduced BUT it is there. There are two flavors: distro jank and app jank. And the reason it’s janky is because the maintainers want it that way.

We should applaud the dedication of companies and people to relentlessly improve. Things are as great as they have ever been. This stuff is hard and Linux does make some things really really simple.

But…go to any distro support site, and you will see the usual things. Why does the secondary monitor not turn on. Why did audio stop working, laptop won’t wake. Etc etc. the solutions are better and better, but unique hw cfgs causing distros jank is one hill to climb.

The other are the apps. Again, I am glad they are there. And they are better than ever.

However, sometimes app workflow causes a great app to feel janky. It’s like “good enough” is all the love they get.

Finally, the open source community can be a removed to work with. Anyone who has ever submitted a patch knows that some projects and tools are … interesting.

It’s like…thank you for your time, but your patch to eliminate jank is rejected because … ego.

Not all open source repos are like this. But more are than you’d think. Different ideas are not always welcome, even if end users would appreciate those very same ideas.

And the repos with a more open mind? No surprise that their results are more usable.

If you are hosting everything, why do your need your ISP? Is it for access to your home services outside your home?

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Kitty has awesome framerates, easily hitting 90fps pushing 150k - 180k per frame. Alacrity is also dope.

Remember power!

First and foremost, well-grounded power is essential. I haven't done the whole house thing yet, but I am thinking about it and curious to know of other's stories.

For surge protectors, I like GE wall taps for form factor and Furman racks when there is space & need.

For an uninterruptible power supply, I like APC. While they aren't made in the USA like they used to (RIP), they have been reliable for me.

Network (ISP Modem, WIFI, Switch) and tower CPU are all driven by UPS power. APC UPS, at least, is always drawing off the battery, so the upstream electronics are protected...a massive surge is far more likely to take out the battery. For laptops, surge protection is enough.

I have not yet surge-protected the ISP lower power input... this is a real risk! I found a cheap one off Amazon, but I am worried it will degrade the network --> whole house may be better.

Note - I have had a lightning strike get sent down the cable line, enter the home, blow out the cable modem, traverse into the network switch, blow out the switch, and nuke every active ethernet port (NAS, Apple TV, etc.), as well as jump the wire into low power security, physically blowing a hard-wired security panel off the wall and damaging a few hard-wired security points. Pretty crazy!

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if you just want a desktop, kasm is def on the swankier side

remember you can always use x-windows on a local computer to run things directly on a remote box.

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Enlightenment says:


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Microsoft does a good job at keeping old software working alongside new software and will take a bullet for their customers. Linux doesn’t have anyone with that rep.

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...the printed book.

ARM the company as well as industry partners contribute code & resources to the linux kernel...so that would be one reason why linux on ARM runs well.

Unsure how we are tracking Microsoft ARM as worse than Linux arm, what benchmarks did we see?

Lemmy news is a cesspit from a post POV but other than that shrug

I think there are more straight shooters here, could be dude just had bad takes.

It is too easy to accidentally downvote.

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Libre Office ppt is good enough imo; Apple Keynote is superior to both imo.

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Keep fighting RMS and beat it.

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the VST part is no kidding for real. bitwig and REAPER aren't FL studio but yeah linux is just too niche for the avg VST developer already stretched thin by MacOS + Windows....

yeah, the 8GB RAM is laughable. like ... why is Apple pretending 8GB is ... ok? Here is this great laptop, but you just f'd yourself with the minimal specs AND YOU CANT UPGRADe.

The latest MacBook is great but the hw lock on ram + storage sucks.

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AOL.com ruined the internet!

old man screams at cloud


Once you get it set just so, remember it’s ok to … leave it!

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The most important part of Linux is the distribution that provides a boot loader and wraps the Linux kernel in tools & tool management.

What makes Linux particularly special is you can create Steve from a derivative of the Linux kernel. So get cracking!

CRED=$(fancy-get-cred) do-stuff

do-stuff has ${CRED} but nothing else does. wrap in a shell script.

Part of the Linux philosophy is open source (gnu et al) and open formsts.

If a file format is patented / proprietary / closed, then most open source tools are not going to generate that format by default.

Most do have options to export or convert, and when that option doesn’t exist, there are other tools that can do it.

One key thing to Linux (and MacOS) is understanding it doesn’t do everything for you so that you can tell it to do what you want, when you want.

Linux is free but it does take your time to get your workflow how you like it.

Mkv is just a container. It should be feasible to have things relatively wired so that when you make an mkv, with the click of a button (or automatically) convert to mp4 & tag & upload to YouTube.

It does require learning and mastery. Things have come a long way; Wi-Fi, for example, was ridiculous for a while.

many people aren't running containers on RBpi ... while feasible, it was notoriously poor until the 8GB pi4, and still is easily bounded by SD card I/o. are there docker stats so you can see the disk + net I/o of each container?

Quality was always shit, what else is new :)

I agree (I think); to me, Lemmy is best when its posts like yours. Most likely a human, with most likely other humans responding. I think it is wise and good to treat Lemmy as a prestigious magazine and support with well-thought-out letters to the editor, and by that, I mean shite poste as well as actual content.

When linking to a blog post, it doesn't feel right. This isn't a strike against Lemmy, but a feature/improvement over other sites, a change worth adapting too.

It is easier (IMO) to write directly inside Lemmy.

One thing I have considered was creating a blog just to link to my (future) Lemmy comments and posts; flip it on its head. I don't really care who reads my hypothetical blog, just like I don't care who reads my posts. I do want to remember the ideas of other people and, occasionally, my own.

Wow that is actually way cooler than the original terminals. Thx!

Actually...for a NAS, your network link is your limit.

You could have 4xPCIe5 M.2's in full-raid, saturating your bus w/64Gb/s of glory, but if you are on 1Gb/s wifi, that's what you'll actually get.

Still, would be fun to ssh in and dupe 1TB in seconds, just for the giggles. Do it for the fun!

Remember, it is almost always cheaper and fast enough to use a Thunderbolt / high-speed USB4/40Gbs flash drive for a quick backup.

most programs have the option to allow you to use keyboard or gamepad. I would start there if you can.

One thing to consider — a cheapo gamepad might save you time in the long run.

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One approach is to focus on the different kinds of users (early adopters vs pragmatists vs mass appeal etc) and their needs, one at a time.