Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode to – 393 points –

I get that it's open source provided you use codium not code but I still find that interesting


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It's a tool. You use the best tool available. Getting your day job done is your bottom line, you can't afford to be any less productive. If you're a foss coder doing it on your own time, go crazy. Using the most efficient tool isn't the same thing as supporting a company's bad practices, the real world isn't black and white.

That's a bit black and white of you, isn't it? I don't like this approach ("can't afford to be any less productive"). I am a freelancer and I certainly can afford to be a bit less productive and earn a little less money by supporting and using free software only. And making you belive that you have to use the most efficient tool - no matter what - is exactly part of what keeps bad acting companies successful.

Using the most efficient tool isn’t the same thing as supporting a company’s bad practices

In some cases it is. Using google, or voice assistants, or chatgpt might be convenient for you, it might even make you the most productive you can be, but it's also supporting their platform and any associated bad practices.

I don't have any issues with using proprietary or closed source software, but that doesn't mean you should always use the best tool available. Because, you see, the real world isn't black and white 😉.