1 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Mainly here to keep up with the news on Linux.

mfers raised the yearly price from 80 USD to 100 this year, and then they sent me an email that next year it'll be 120! a 50% increase in two years, insane.

I found out about about 2 weeks ago, they give you one ipv4 and one ipv6 for €5 monthly, with all ports open.

No GUI though, they provide OpenVPN and Wireguard configs, which works fine for my server.

I think they only have their servers on Sweden IIRC, but at least in my experience the speeds with the Wireguard config have been great.

So far I don't have any complains about them. Having all ports open makes setting it up on the torrent client really easy.

I use Photoprism, mainly because it seems stable so far, and it's good enough for my needs

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A VPN from Cloudflare if I'm not mistaken, with a free tier.

I had forgotten about this. Looks neat still

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Baldur's Gate 3 is amazing

A tip I saw some time ago is to do:

rm folder -rf

Additionally you could move the git folder to the trash folder. I think it's usually located at $HOME/.local/share/trash/files/

Then you can delete it from the trash once you're certain you got the right folder

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Had this issue not long ago, check out this comment:

That fixed it for me

With the Arr stack I like that I can select which torrents I want to download. I don't know if that's possible with Stremio?

Also it doesn't seem streamio is available for Apple TV. I would give it a try otherwise

I can speak at least for rootless podman, I spent some hours on it and different ways I tried all ended in permission issues.

I gave up on trying to do it properly and just set the permissions of the /dev/dri device to 666, so that my podman container can use the gpu for transcoding.

Part of the issue with the container images that I tried is that they create a new user with whatever uid:gid I pass to the container, and so even if my nonroot user is part of the render group, the new user inside the container is not and so it can't write to the /dev/dri/renderD128 (gpu), and so transcode wouldn't work.

That's where I left the troubleshooting at cause it was being a headache

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The other day I learned about endlessh. I set that up, switched my actual sshd to listen on a different port, and the ssh login attempts from randoms essentially went down to 0. Pretty neat.

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IIRC the screenshot thing was the tipping point for me. Tried taking a screenshot in the Crunchyroll app for Android, and it came out black...

Looked into plex, and it's all been better ever since

I managed this by using tailscale, with a kind of weird setup I think, but it just works.

I have tailscale on the VPS and my local server, let's say its tailscale name is potatoserver

Then with Caddy on the VPS i have something like: { reverse_proxy potatoserver:port }

And so is accessible on the clearnet through the VPS

Though given you're getting rid of cloudflare tunnles I don't know if you'd want to get into Tailscale. There's Headscale too but I haven't worked with it so I can't comment

Aw dang I just set up an instance of libreddit for myself a few days ago. Oh well it is what it is

I would say option 3.

I can share my current setup in case you're interested.

I recently moved back to Tumbleweed, and did the following:

/ -> 50GB, BTRFS, currently 13GB used I think

/home -> 800something GB, BTRFS, same drive

/boot/efi -> 512MB i think, same drive

Then a separate drive mounted to a folder in my home directory, for games mostly.

So far it eworks well, at least for me. BTRFS snapshots are working fine too. Flatpaks I have installed as user so they get installed in my home directory.

Maybe the one suggested in this thread might work for you?

So far this is the only place I've seen mentioned regarding video streaming, that is still up anyway:

It's not entirely clear and I don't know if this is outdated or not.

I was using their proxy for video streaming for a while, but stopped cause I would rather not risk it. Maybe for personal use it could be ok

I think Hitman 3 looks quite nice

To add to this, you can even specify a home folder for the distrobox so it doesn't even clutter your home folder. Really neat

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Infuse allows you to watch content from different sources such as Plex, Jellyfin, and other options I haven't look at in detail. I think it's worth a look

I wonder if you can get around this by using cloudflare proxy for a domain and then in the settings for the server disabling remote access and only allowing discovery through your domain? I'm not with Hetzner but I'll give this setup a try and see how it goes.

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Essentially since I switched to AMD almost a year ago, and I switched so I could use wayland with freesync lol

I haven't tried the account linking process yet but I wanted first to log in to PSN through their website and I can't, not even from different devices.

Anyone else having a similar issue?

One pet peeve of mine is how in Windows 10 switching between virtual desktops was flawless, and somehow in Windows 11 they fucked it up. At first it had no animation when switching, the taskbar kind of glitches. Now it has an animation but it's kind of delayed and the taskbar still kind of glitches, it seems to reload or something. Kinda crazy honestly

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So I got mixed results. With remote access disabled and just using subdomain for plex, it worked on the Windows desktop app, and my iPhone too through the browser, but on my Apple TV even though I could browse the library and select any video, they would not load.

What ended up working on all my devices is essentially running plex behind a VPN, AirVPN in this case because I need the port forwarding, and enabling remote access with the port assigned in AirVPN.

I followed this guide, in case you're interested:

I recently went through setting this up. I can give you a base compose.yaml based on the one I have

For the wireguard config, you would throw your .conf file to /path/to/wireguard/config, like so: /path/to/wireguard/config/wg0.conf

This setup assumes you have ipv6 working and enabled. The wg0.conf would also have the VPNs ipv6 address. I use Mullvad too btw.

You can access Qbittorrent's web UI through http://localhost:8090.

I'd like to note that the image I use for Qbittorrent has support built in for VPN, but with the setup I have I basically have the wireguard container with its network, and multiple containers on that same network. In theory it should work with other bittorrent clients.

And the docker images for reference:

version: '3.7'
        container_name: wireguard
          - NET_ADMIN
          - SYS_MODULE #optional
          - wireguard_network
          - PUID=1000
          - PGID=1000
          - TZ=Etc/UTC
          - /path/to/wireguard/config:/config
          - /lib/modules:/lib/modules #optional
          - 51820:51820/udp   # Wireguard
          - 8090:8090         # QBittorrent
          - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
          - net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0
        restart: unless-stopped

        privileged: true
        container_name: qbtwg
        network_mode: service:wireguard
            - wireguard
            - '/path/to/qbtconfig/:/config'
            - '/path/to/downloads/:/downloads'
            - VPN_ENABLED=no
            - VPN_TYPE=wireguard
            - PUID=1000
            - PGID=1000
            - LAN_NETWORK=
            - 'NAME_SERVERS=,'
        restart: unless-stopped
        image: dyonr/qbittorrentvpn
    driver: bridge
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Just between yesterday and today I was struggling with this, to get DoH or DoT working, but Network Manager would override /etc/resolv.conf. At least I figured out how to stop NM from modifying the DNS.

I tried my putting my dns settings in /etc/systemd/resolv.conf, as suggested by Nextdns setup page, but that didn't seem to work, at least on Tumbleweed. On my Debian laptop running as a headless server, the /etc/systemd/resolv.conf does work.

I'm currently with Stubby, and it's working at least, but I would've liked to figure out the systemd-resolved way on Tumbleweed.

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You can install windows to a selected Unallocated Space and it will create its partitions, but if it detects an EFI partition, even in a different drive, it uses that for windows.

How much was it before?

I started using it yesterday and so far I'm liking it

Yes I did the Systemd integration at the user level too and I quite like it

Maybe connecting the 2 screens to the same VPN server? Or if using Tailscale then using the same exit node on both screens, if possible. Apple TV supports Tailscale for example.

I currently have a VPS with Contabo. I think their prices are good. They have normal VPSs for more compute power with nvme storage, and they also have what they call Storage VPS, which I assume uses SATA ssds but they give you more storage vs the other ones. I'd say give them a look

I used DXVK for Dragon's Dogma on Windows because it ran better overall, vs Directx 9 which the game uses natively.

This was on an AMD Rx 6800 xt

Hey there, thanks for the tips. It seems I can't get the wireguard container working without the NET_ADMIN CAP. I looked at the gluetun image and it has it too. Is it possible to run a docker wireguard client without that CAP?

Yeah I'm fairly certain it's a permission issue. Having the gpu with permissions 666 makes it work inside the containers.

The thing is also that these container images (plex and jellyfin) create a separate user inside, instead of using the root user, and this new user ("abc" for lsio images) doesn't get added to the same groups as the root user.

Also the render group that gets passed to the container appears as "nogroup", so I thought of adding user abc to "nogroup" but still didn't seem to work.

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Yes, in the Useful Tips section. Lots of other cool notes there:

Have fun!

Personally, I don't see it coming anytime soon. I played genshin on linux for maybe over a year, and with the fps unlocker for maybe almost 2 years, on both windows and linux, and have never been banned.

I stopped playing on version a few months ago though.

Thanks for the resources, I'll check them out later today!

Thanks! I'll take a look there

Not yet but I will check it out, thanks!