How bad is Microsoft? to – 98 points –

I was curious what the Linux people think about Microsoft and any bad practices that most people should know about already?


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One pet peeve of mine is how in Windows 10 switching between virtual desktops was flawless, and somehow in Windows 11 they fucked it up. At first it had no animation when switching, the taskbar kind of glitches. Now it has an animation but it's kind of delayed and the taskbar still kind of glitches, it seems to reload or something. Kinda crazy honestly

Could it be the new taskbar? It's the worst part of W11, I don't understand why they had to replace the old one.

Maybe it's just the hardware I've tried to use it on but it always seemed to take too long for me in 10, too (haven't used 11). Whether trackpad gesture or win+tab, it's just always seemed sluggish compared to other options.