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We know. The entire goal of their internet policy is to control exactly what their population can access, which means they have an isolated network, by any means necessary.

Premium phones make little sense, based on what I've seen everyone puts them in cases anyway. "Premium materials" are slippery and "premium thinness" results in insufficient battery capacity so accessories like phone rings get put on them, and people carry around external battery packs.

Why not just make a grippy, practical phone that I can use as a tool, with removable batteries, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and expandable memory?

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A Microsoft representative (?) opened an issue for Explorer Patcher:

Hi Team,

This is to let you know that Win10 taskbar code is removed. And if use continue to use ExplorePatcheron Windows GE Build, they will see a crash. You only need to adjust the setup exe name to get around the block in your new version. We will continue to block ANY version that crashes Explorer.

Please let me know if you have any question.

Thanks Michelle

Makes sense to me.

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I'd like replaceable batteries to come back.

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Google used to at least pretend to not be amoral, but I think this restructuring pretty much reveals them for what they are now.

Hosting is part of it, but didn't they legally restrict Yuzu's developers from working on the emulator? That seems to be a far greater obstacle to me.

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Sony's always kind of been uncool like this. Before, all PSN games weren't available on PC, so it didn't affect regions that couldn't register for PSN.

So they'll just change their DNS server again? What will this achieve?

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Can we also have a Windows Phone next? You can call it an Xbox Phone if you like.

What is 3D about the banner? The mouse cursor graphic?

There aren't enough RGBs on this thing for me to even consider it "gaming." Step it up, TP Link!

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This has likely been done intentionally for humour's sake, but take a look at some of the names in Apple's AppKit framework, like https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nspreviewrepresentingactivityitem

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According to China's Coast Guard, Manila's ship had deliberately and dangerously approached a Chinese vessel in an unprofessional manner, forcing it to take control measures, including "boarding inspections and forced evictions."

Oh no! An inflatable boat has approached our large, well equipped vessel! Quickly, we must forcefully board this boat even though it is "dangerous and deliberate," and chop off their fingers! Then we will puncture their boat with our swords, that will show them!

I don't know how I'm going to recover from this burn...

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That is some fantastic sleuthing, well done.

You should try your hand at writing short stories.

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Why not use the English word for an entity that resides in the USA: American?

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What if I shot a pistol over your head, would that also be considered non-violent? Because it feels very much the same to me every time the DPRK launches these weapons and the J-Alert system goes off.

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Same thing that happened to the Chinese creators on Youtube despite it being banned in China, I presume.

Isn't Bitcoin illegal in China?

Yes, no big deal. We can go back to having 640x480 displays too.

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The impact as of right now is that everyone thinks they're being absolute assholes about it.

I don't understand, the CCP has stated multiple times that sanctions has had multiple beneficial effects on Chinese firms such as Huawei, causing them to become more independent and effective in the face of adversity. Why stop now?


I always buy Christmas cake after Christmas, it's a steal.

These are all strategies that have already been adopted in China, they will block it like everything else.

Statistical methods have been a longstanding mainstay in the field of AI since its inception. I think the trouble is that the term AI has been co-opted for marketing.

The current version of the OS has been built with open-source Android code to make Android apps compatible for the time being. It is designed to be used in all Huawei’s consumer products, including watches, televisions and vehicle systems, which makes it possible to integrate functions across devices. It is said to have 700m users and 2.2m developers.

The next version of Harmony is expected to drop all Android-linked code.

Harmony OS is an Android fork. Dropping all Android-linked code in an Android fork means removing almost all its code. I'm curious to know if Huawei have indeed developed their own OS, like Samsung's Bada, and if it really contains no trace of Android.

Is the tweet supposed to be funny? I can't tell.

I used to recommend Motorola to people who wanted to buy a phone from an American company, but they're owned by Lenovo now.

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The picture says "No Smartphones Allowed." Doesn't seem entirely right...

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Occasionally, the SCMP posts something like this, where the title seems to support a non-CCP viewpoint. If you read the content of the article, however, it merely reiterates the reasons the CCP claim the South China Sea.

Counterpoint: sometimes it's difficult to tell if something is surveilling you, especially for laypersons.

They already have. Please spend some time learning about China.

Nobody can stop you from spending your money as you see fit, 24/7/365, from anywhere, to anywhere, instantly, and for free.

Except it's not.

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Bring back Windows Phone in the form of an Xbox Phone. Would love a third option to Android/iOS.

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I had to double check when reading the article that this was indeed published by the Economist, particularly after this line:

As a private firm whose goals dovetail neatly with those of the Chinese government, it is becoming a model for how China thinks about innovation.

How do they know this, besides perhaps an official from the CCP making a statement about it?

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Do you consider firing ballistic weapons over Japan non-violent?

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Not all cereal contain sugar, surely, although lots do.

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