America’s assassination attempt on Huawei is backfiring to World – 12 points –
America’s assassination attempt on Huawei is backfiring

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I had to double check when reading the article that this was indeed published by the Economist, particularly after this line:

As a private firm whose goals dovetail neatly with those of the Chinese government, it is becoming a model for how China thinks about innovation.

How do they know this, besides perhaps an official from the CCP making a statement about it?

Exactly, I was shocked that this was on the economist, it seems like a highly biased while mostly irrelevant article.

Very bizarre.

To give them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps they are trying to stay neutral by publishing articles from various points of view, including the CCP's.

I would be fine with that, and the economist has lots of great international articles, but my concern is with this article in particular.

They are very clearly starting from multiple false premises with zero direct evidence to back them up, and then book-reporting on piecemeal unrelated content in the article.

It's inaccurate and misrepresentative reporting of a straightforward and well-documented tech struggle.