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Joined 1 years ago

where in Europe do they do that? I live in Europe and that doesn't sound familiar becomes more relevant every year somehow

I have read of tourists coming to Vienna and thinking there is anything worth seeing north of the Danube.

Unless you count the UN headquarters, there isn't. All of that is a completely unstructured and boring mix of industrial, commercial and residential zones mostly built after WW2 like you find anywhere in the world.

naturally given that the Torah is part of the Bible

Why is a "conservative cell carrier" even a thing…that has to exist… or exists… nah you know I don't actually wanna know…

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Microsoft names many things stupidly.

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Messages that people post on Stack Exchange sites are literally licensed CC-BY-SA, the whole point of which is to enable them to be shared and used by anyone for any purpose. One of the purposes of such a license is to make sure knowledge is preserved by allowing everyone to make and share copies.

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I have never understood why so many people find the structure of Twitter/Mastodon more appealing than that of Reddit/Lemmy.

I like it when I read other people's thoughts on a matter, then react to them by adding relevant thoughts of my own and hoping people will react to mine too. Like on a traditional discussion forum (or for even older people, newsgroup or mailing list). That is what Reddit/Lemmy does reasonably well, although not quite as well as those traditional discussion forums.

On Twitter/Mastodon I have to have original thoughts of my own to be able to post anything at all, and even if I do have some, no one will read them if they aren't already following me.

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You think you're going to get a better answer by asking that here rather than by reading the Wikipedia article or a media company's summary of what Hamas is?!

As neutrally as possible:

Hamas is an organization in the area of historical Palestine. It has been governing the Gaza Strip, a small piece of land between Israel, Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea, since 2007.

Ever since then, Israel has been blockading the Gaza Strip. Every few years, eg. in 2014 and 2021 and now again, Hamas fires rockets at Israel or otherwise attacks it, to which Israel responds with airstrikes.

Palestinian narrative: Israel is a settler colonial state that has taken away Palestinian land and is imprisoning Gazans in Gaza. Fighting against that is legitimate resistance against oppression. Israel's goal is ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

Israeli narrative: Israel is a safe haven for the historically oppressed Jewish people. Arabs have plenty of other countries for themselves. The aim of Hamas is to eliminate the Jewish state and maybe even the Jewish people. Israel is doing its best to avoid civilian casualties in its airstrikes against Gaza.

The actual truth: There is no such thing as the actual truth. There is a reason why this is the most difficult conflict in the world.

inb4 people with strong opinions on both sides tell me their opinion is obviously right and the above is nowhere near neutral

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Adobe Flash Player was deprecated some years ago, so there is no longer any functioning official software that can play Flash games. The modern equivalent are mobile games.

The reason why reimplementing it is a worthy thing to do is to preserve old software, same reason why console emulators exist.

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Nowadays it is possible to set up many services in such a way that you authenticate in a different way from a password, for example with an app on a smartphone. Such services can't ask you for your password until you have told them what account you want to log into because it might turn out you have to give them something other than a password.

Does the average voter just not care at all about anything actually important? What is even going on here?

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Linus Torvalds is a "full-blown woke communist"? Citation needed.

I have been a FOSS enthusiast since my preteen or early teenage years (mid-to-late 2000s), yet I am not in any sense a communist.

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Stallman was right

I wonder what state FOSS replacements for Adobe software would be in if a significant percentage of Adobe users used their subscription money to donate to FOSS replacements instead.

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It appears I am getting bored with the entire Internet.

When we had web forums with thread bumping, I got an endless stream of interesting and entertaining things to react to despite there being relatively few users.

Like the Internet ten years ago???

You realize that ten years ago was 2013, not 2001 or something? The Internet was not quiet in 2013, in fact I found it a lot more engaging then.

Normal once you enter adulthood. In your childhood and teen years there are lots of things that change about your life on your birthday (drinking age, age of majority, being allowed to drive a car, etc), no longer a thing in adulthood unless you want to run for president or something like that.

In the vast majority of countries, everything written down is automatically copyrighted by default and if you want to release it into the public domain or under a free license you have to make it explicit.

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Lots of problems that used to exist in this area no longer do.

Used to be that the de facto standard office format was doc/xls/ppt, now both MS Office and LibreOffice support both ODF and OOXML both of which are open standards.

Used to be that internal software was mostly written for the Windows API, now it is mostly written for web browsers (between which there are no longer any significant differences in terms of standards compatibility).

The world really is slowly getting better. I would like to help accelerate this, but don't really have any ideas where to start.

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If you ever feel your job is useless, remember it is someone's job to maintain Edge for Linux.

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I really just think the reddit/lemmy structure isn't very suited to small communities.

For small communities we should have a platform structured like a traditional web forum with flat threads and thread bumping. This causes people to get endless streams of discussion even with relatively few users.

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In my teenage years, the Internet was my favorite escape from the horribleness of my offline life. I thought it would always remain so, so decided to start a career in software engineering because that would be an improvement to the world.

Now that I haven't been a teenager for nearly ten years, often enough the Internet is actively bad for my mental health and I have to get away from it to improve my mood. I have no interest in participating in propaganda wars.

7!!! is a really high number, I doubt there will ever be that many versions of Windows

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because for whatever reason that is what YOU tend to see in YOUR feed; why that is so, I do not know, it is not in mine.

Can you tell me where you found it so I can stay away from those places?

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App stores were a mistake. We used to get software from its developer or from a source we chose. Now that we expect there to be a central app store, it can be used for censorship.

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Optimist: The glass is half full.

Pessimist: The glass is half empty.

Realist: The glass is twice as big as necessary.

Excel: The glass is the 2nd of January.

I think you're supposed to ask questions here that people elsewhere might think are stupid questions. The idea is that in this community, there are no stupid questions.

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Most of these bans are not about banning those books in general, they are about not making them available in schools or public libraries. The government can decide what to promote in its own institutions. People can still get those books from elsewhere: they can buy them online or in physical bookstores.

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To my knowledge, FreeDOS has been a fairly complete implementation of DOS for a very long time, so this is probably not useful to them.

Something something symlink Downloads to downloads

You know it used to be that when I heard the name "Donald" I thought of a Disney character. Does anyone even remember that guy?

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As a European I have always been confused when Americans talk about "voter registration". The way it works in my country is you are legally required to register your residence with the government and that registration is automatically used to determine a voter registry (just filtering by age, citizenship and exclusion due to criminal convictions all of which is information already known to the government). I always just get a letter a few weeks before elections informing me where my polling place is.

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Wikipedia says at that the EOL was announced in 2017 and took effect in 2020, much less than 10 years ago.

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2004: The Internet is going to lead us into a utopian future of free communication where we exchange ideas with each other without corporate media being gatekeepers telling us what to read, write and think!

2024: Hi, I'm Meta and everyone gets their information from my platforms and I can decide what ideas to allow there. What do you mean we weren't supposed to have that anymore by now, whoever told you that kind of nonsense.

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Seriously, speaking as a man, I have no idea why on Earth some of us men are willing to pay for things like the stuff described in the article?!

I remember thinking the same thing a few years ago about Belle Delphine and her "gamer girl bath water". I get it, I get horny too and have no idea how to approach women, but seriously, there is so much porn of all kinds out there entirely for free.

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It is supposed to believe that climate change is a … scam?!

You can believe that climate change is not real, but a "scam", how does that even work?

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Everything about lemmy is. It is literally a reddit clone.

No one (!) alive today experienced a year divisible by 4 that was not a leap year. The oldest living person was born in 1907.

That is pretty much exactly the goal of the Wikimedia Foundation which runs Wikipedia and its sister projects.

But by now we figured out what wikis can do well and what not. Wikis are suitable for crowdsourcing objective facts about the world (all it takes is one person to add any given fact), they are not a universal remedy for everything, especially not contentious issues or useful instructional materials.

I have made more than 100000 edits to their projects. I don't participate there anymore. The time when they were a force for good in the world is long past.

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