Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode to – 393 points –

I get that it's open source provided you use codium not code but I still find that interesting


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Pulsar was forked from Atom and lives on!

Didn't know about this, will definitely give this a shot. There's also Lapce, which doesn't use Electron and looks promising.

I almost see Pulsar as the anti-VSCode/Microsoft in a way. Microsoft slowed development and killed Atom in order to promote use of VSCode. Instead of letting it die we decided to keep it alive and offer it as a viable alternative. So in some sense it almost exists just to spite Microsoft's attempts to kill it.

Nice! I used atom for about a year before it was discontinued and switched to just using Kate. Definitely going to have to checkout pulsar, thanks for dropping it here.

I switched to Kate eventually myself. Using the KDE defaults where possible to reduce size encouraged me to do it