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Joined 1 years ago

By the time he gets out, he'll be That 70's Guy.

27 more...

He assumes an average monthly rental cost of $1354, and 3% rent increase annually. I have lived in apartments where they increased the rent 10% one year and 15% the next.

Even putting that aside, ok, by the time you're dead, say it works out to the same amount spent. But as an owner, you've now invested in a generational asset. Renting now means your kids and theirs will also likely rent.


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I was curious about the "Philly cream cheese" campaign example they mentioned. I assume it's this post.

The top reply is trolling them, which is awesome. So much for increased engagement.

But even funnier is the next top reply, which seems sincere. But when you look at the user profile, almost all of u/sunshinedogger's comments in the last year are on sponsored posts. So even the positive engagement is manufactured?

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I can also ask basic, repetitive questions framed exactly to my use case without getting yelled at that the question has been asked and answered before.

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To this day I don't know how to read Tweets in the right order. I always feel like I'm reading a Carnac joke.

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I will admit there was a time when he was pushing electric cars while traditional auto manufacturers seemed to be dragging their feet. It felt like he was on the right side of a big issue and shaking things up. I think it's important to admit when we get it wrong. And boy did I get it wrong.

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Especially now that many vendors are passing on the processing fee, it's not even a free/subsidized service for customers anymore.

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Who would have thought, consumers and investors have competing interests.

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Hey! Don't threaten people! Don't hurt anyone! Just move to Godot. That's it. Abandon ship, peacefully. These people care more about money than employee lives anyway.

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If they configure them face to face, they could probably build one machine that jerks off two donors at the same time, on the upstroke and downstroke.

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The endcap covers the rest for them to stay fresh longer. It has a goddamn job to do.

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What if they access FB from a browser?

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It's like she found a faulty slot machine that won't stop putting out.

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Volume 1%

100% agree with you now. I wasn't at that level of analysis at the time yet.

Three things I've seen:

  • Employees getting "title changes" with no formal promotions.

  • Finding candidates through employee referrals or word-of-mouth, therefore no formal job posting.

  • "Expression of Interest" job postings, where no role is technically open or being sought to fill, but candidates can still submit resumes.

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Poor people can't afford Teslas so it's fine.

The SAG-AFTRA strike ended and his girlfriend had to get back to work.

I don't even believe all the accusations against Woody, but bro, this is not the one for you to weigh in on.

I'm also curious if the fake users are part of the campaign or if reddit is scamming the advertisers too.

People will try taking it.

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Subsideez nuts.

I could be generous and say they are not evil, but the system that allows them to become billionaires in the first place is evil.

But as soon as you say "Twitter made my daughter hate rich people, so to prove her wrong I bought it and ran it into the ground so people can't exchange ideas there anymore"...yeah, you're not making the case you think you are.

I use Firefox with uBlockOrigin and haven't had to do any manual updates or anything. I still seem to be unaffected by the changes everyone is talking about. Is it a slow rollout or does uBO just silently keep up with it?

I think people are willing to sacrifice more than even they would expect, but no one wants to be the only one sacrificing, especially if it puts them at a disadvantage compared to others. But collectively, if people sacrificed together, it could even become a point of pride. It's why countries develop strong solidarity in times of war.

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I get that it's a convenience, but does anyone else still avoid face and fingerprint unlocks? It seems useless if I was forced to unlock my phone by someone violent, like the police.

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It also won't be able to differentiate between a jackdaw and a crow.

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Guys, does girth similarity affect the machine's ability to jerk off different donors?

Would be cool for long term, low power devices like sensors embedded in concrete in bridges and building structures for monitoring stresses.

Didn't they use to have this years ago? And then removed it?

They weren't just tracking what you bought. They wanted to track what you looked at and for how long, to learn what packaging worked best.

Not even a typo, but had a boss would would use "F U" as shorthand for "follow up." Was always shocking to see emails saying "I will F U on Monday."

Yes. Exactly.

Far cheaper to just buy politicians and change the law.

Pulsar was forked from Atom and lives on!


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I mean, with respect, has anyone confirmed that she isn't Chuck Grassley?

Doesn't matter. If he joins he was lying. If he doesn't join, it doesn't mean he was telling the truth. Nothing he says matters and if he does the opposite of what he says there's no action to take.

Love it! Just debating whether I want to wait another iteration for more reliable PS2 gaming. But verticals all the way!

But it's not an isolated R&D project. They're rolling it out in general search. If I have a promising new braking technology, but which still only works well 48% of the time, I'd keep working on it but not put it in production vehicles.

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