4 Post – 191 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What I don't like about the article is that the phrasing 'paying off' can apply to making investors money OR having worthwhile use cases. AI has created plenty of use cases from language learning to code correction to companionship to brainstorming, etc.

It seems ironic that a consumer-facing website is framing things from a skeptical "But is it making rich people richer?" perspective

I decided to create a few threads after a few months hiatus and was surprised by the levels of engagement. I think the audience is hungry for content and that more people need to take the plunge and start threads.

With that said, going to /all instead of /subscribed is largely frustrating since the most frequent posts are just memes and inside jokes

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Good to know. I will say as a colorblind person, it's always a tad ironic because as a colorblind person, the filters don't make things definitive. It's still a bunch of random colors that I can't identify lol

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To the uninitiated, Firefish is to Mastodon what Kbin is to Lemmy

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The owner is the guy who created JavaScript and is funded by controversial right-winger Peter Thiel

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This guy was selling classes on being a pedophile-stopper while most of these youtube pedo chaser operate in ways that don't lead to prosecution.

He stopped a 17 year old from talking to a 15-year-old, which isn't exactly making the world a better place

I understand your frustration but also encourage you to pay more attention to what happens behind the scenes. Your position on the railroad strike is outdated/misinformed relative to what happened a month ago:

When Joe Biden and Congress enacted legislation in December that blocked a threatened freight rail strike, many workers angrily faulted Biden for not ensuring that the legislation also guaranteed paid sick days. But since then, union officials says, members of the Biden administration, including the transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg, and labor secretary, Marty Walsh, who stepped down on 11 March, lobbied the railroads, telling them it was wrong not to grant paid sick days.

In other words, Biden instructed his administration to double back and force the hand of the railroad companies to get the union exactly what they wanted.

Yeah I think this.

You can't even make deals w/ him anymore because he won't abide by them. On top of that, he has to bend to the most fringe aspects of his party to stay in power so it appers that he's reaching the same conclusions (impeachment, reneging on his words, etc) as a more conservative speaker, w/ just the semblance of moderate leanings

I think you are insinuating that because meta has money and power, he owes it to the community to hear them out. That's a capitalistic perspective that seems centered around either making money or having a larger 'market'. I wouldn't assume that this is the status quo for everyone involved in the fediverse.

Also, if Meta isn't willing to share its plans publicly, only to the owners of the largest instances online, I question their motives.

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BoRU was a great subreddit, RIP if this is the end

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Good read, provided context that I didn't have before as a newbie



alias battery='upower -i $(upower -e | grep 'BAT') | grep -E "state|to\ full|percentage"' # Get the battery level of my laptop server when I ssh into it

alias audio="yt-dlp -f 'ba' -x --audio-format mp3" # Download the audio version of a youtube video

alias wttr="curl" # Get the weather of my city in the terminal

Terminal Navigation

alias ba2sy="cp ~/.bash_aliases ~/Sync/" # copy my current iteration of my aliases to my shared syncthing folder so that it's accessible across devices

alias sy2ba="cp ~/Sync/.bash_aliases ~/" # replace the current iteration of my aliases w/ the synced version from my syncthing folder

alias mba='micro .bash_aliases' # open my aliases file in the modernized version of 'nano'

alias reload="source ~/.bashrc" # Quickly refresh my system so that the latest alias file is loaded

alias l='exa --group-directories-first -hlras modified --no-user --icons' # exa is a prettier version of ls. Options toggled: Human-readable, long format, reverse output, show hidden files/folders, sort by modified, hide the 'user' column since I'm the only one that uses the computer, and show the icons to make it look fancy```

Replaced Commands

alias cat='batcat --theme=ansi ' # Replace generic output of cat w/ a formatted version. This is bat (batcat in Debian)

alias rm='trash ' # Instead of auto-deleting files, put them in the 'trash' bin for 30 days, then delete.

Server & Docker-related

alias lazy='/home/macallik/.local/bin/lazydocker' # Run Docker

alias pad='ssh MyPad20334' # shorthand to ssh into my server

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Upvoted for the convo, but disagree on the sentiment.

If I followed 10 different subreddits on technology, I'd imagine I'd be getting a lot of the same content. I know that reddit as a whole was a shitshow when things went pear-shaped for Twitter and the early days of Elon Musk for example.

I think that eventually, we will reach a level of content creation where people either don't feel the need to cross post, or that you don't need to subscribe to 10 closely-related magazines.

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Grand opening, Grand closing

If the Circuit Attorney says that he's on a list where he can't be trusted to bring cases to court, then why is he still prosecuting criminals if the case will fall apart in court?

I don't understand why he still allowed to operate as a detective.

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Very similar experience. He did a good job of building to the "Ok but why does this matter" aspect of it all

I think they have a history of being amoral/indifferent towards the spaces they create/impact of their (lack of) moderation, and as if that wasn't enough, I also think that they are entering the fediverse at the worst possible time in terms of disdain for corporations

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At my old job, we had a VBA script that would:

  1. Pull client data from SQL
  2. Load data into an Excel file
  3. Update charts and KPIs
  4. Copy/Paste chart and KPIs into PowerPoint
  5. Switch to the next client
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for +100 clients

Thirty page custom reports per client within 2 minutes (when nothing broke). It allows you to interact and automate across the Microsoft Suite. That is one of the reasons why it is indispensable to many companies

I don't like how Reddit is operating at all and I made an active decision to use federated instances more.

With that said, I'm not cheering for hackers that steal data and hold it ransom. I can protest/dislike reddit w/o encouraging reckless behavior

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As someone who recently created pivoted to Debian (for 12.0) from Windows , the website is quite the headache. I consider myself tech-literate, and have been around the internet long enough where RTFM was a rite of passage, but they really are asking a lot given how many different directions the manual went. I put about 20 minutes into it along with 10-15 minutes reading up on things that were not well explained and then just YOLO'd it.

Also if 98% of people are installing via a flash drive and 2% are doing CD Rom installs, then cater towards the 98% in your instructions. Not only is the CD ROM examples more prominent, but they also end up leading to downloading the same .iso IIRC. Not saying to do away w/ the catering to obsolete technology, but maybe shift the conversation towards terminology and wording that end users can instantly identify with.

It really is an example of someone updating an existing process repeatedly instead of taking a step back and seeing how things have changed over time. I suppose that's the active theme for the entire website. The website is frustrating in that aspect. Speaking from experience, I'd venture that the majority of the traffic that is received from newbies following a YT tutorial where someone spells out where to go and what to click. Looking at the referenced video, it appears that have started to slowly make changes but there's still work to be done.

Reading this thread though, I can see how the web dev team came to their conclusion. A solid portion of this thread are people lauding a crap website like alumni who are extolling the virtues of hazing... "it was hard for me, it should be hard for everyone" or "There should be a bit of effort required to keep out the riff raff" etc.

My uneducated guess is that Endless OS pays manufacturers to have their OS installed as it has what appears to be privacy-conscious telemetry. It won't be anywhere close to what Microsoft/Apple, but in the Linux telemetry world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, and so it'll still have valuable data.

Some of the areas that are unlike most other distros I've come across:

  • Their website for Endless OS does a lot of tracking and has a policy that is more 'business-orientated' than many distros
  • Privacy policy for the OS is not available online, only when downloading program
  • They use dark patterns to have the default for telemetry as 'opt-in' which might be the opposite for FOSS IIRC
  • Complete list of things tracked here

To me, it's akin to the free third party apps that come packaged with many Android mobile devices. Less intrusive since it's anonymized, but also feels more intrusive because it's the entire OS being monitored. I believe I came across a headline that Fedora is attempting to use the same tracking software in the link above

This review shares a more judgmental view of their practices

This article has a more positive spin

I agree.

This thread is the first time I've been embarrassed to be a part of the fediverse. This thread shows a lot of nihilistic people who don't actually follow politics well enough to have views based in reality. People reference the railroad situation without understanding the resolution and reference student debt and other areas as if Biden had full control of the house/senate.

It really is the left's version of Trump supporters in that they revel in their ignorance, wear it as a badge and then encourage others to follow the same path. At least Trump supporters have the decency to encourage their contemporaries to vote in elections smh.

During the urine test:

"Duncan stated that she was not aware of the pouch/container in her shorts until after she was providing her second sample," police wrote in their affidavit. "Duncan stated that she does not know how or when the pouch/container got into her shorts that day. Duncan stated that there may be another one of them at her residence but that they were not purchased by her, but by someone she knows who probably uses them to pass drug screens."

I laughed

Curious if you have a rough example of what type of positive information that will be gained from the secret, closed-off meeting, and how it could benefit the community?

How do you think we could frontrun one of the largest tech companies in the world?

In the video he provides additional use cases outside of crashes. If I'm understanding it correctly, one is the ability to seamlessly transition across and/or run multiple DE's in real-time, and the second is reimagining app loading by being able to restore apps from the disk as if they never left RAM. Someone please correct me if I misinterpreted this

It is worth noting that they updated their support to be 10 years moving forward, so I disagree with the eWaste sentiment. I agree that Linux as a permanent alternative isn't super easy, and I say that typing from a Chromebook running Debian 12.

The scratches during the review period makes me nervous. I walk into walls all the time with my watch so that's a no go.

I'll wait and see if it's more widespread and if there's any xmas discounts before I potentially pull the trigger

It feels like every other post on privacy and technology is someone pushing the (paid) search engine Kagi nowadays...

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Great question. Had to think about it and I'd say for me personally, poor implementation of color pickers is the biggest frustration.

As a technical user, I have no qualms w/ editing the default selection if it's hard to read due to colors, but I get frustrated with poor color picker implementation. For example, color swaths that don't have named descriptions when you hover over them. Even/especially the standard ROYGBIV colors on the first page of a color picker, but also to a lesser degree, descriptive hex codes on more nuanced online color pickers. I can't tell the difference and don't feel like hearing someone ask why I made the bold choice of making the sky pink.

Another issue is something like KDE's Konsole has a color picker that doesn't have clear names/examples for which aspect of the terminal is being changed, so when I wanted to change the bash custom prompt color to improve readability, I had to edit 5-6 different options, and use trial and error to fix the color.

Using curl as a substitute for man/help has made it one of my most used commands for me as of late:

curl to view tldr/cheat tips

Also great for the weather via curl

Hopefully more commands utilize this technique

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Off-the-records convos w/ repeated bad faith actors seems like a liability.

There are no easy answers, but Adams still finds a way to always pick the wrong one. He will stoke the racial tensions if it gives him a point or two bump in favorability smh

Say what you will about the seemingly 'half-pregnant' approach, but I'm running a Debian laptop/desktop/server thanks to being able to dip my toes in via WSL (and truly testing the water via Crostini that did the trick).

Today's WSL user is tomorrow's Linux convert after a few more negative articles and BSODs

It doesn't seem largely different from the openly brazen acts he's committed in the past. It seems farfetched that invading an entire country won't get you murdered, but murdering a shifty mercenary will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

How's it compare to gitea?

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What surprised me was the amount of Android users. I guess self-hosters are predisposed to tinkering in general perhaps?

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My impression
tldr/cheat: Explains most popular arguments using as little words as possible
man: Explains the entire command using a more technical tone
info: Explains the entire command in slightly more informal tone. Can feel wordier as a result, but on the flipside it connects alternative/related commands in a logical way

I use NewPipe and what has helped me the most is not having to deal w/ the recommendation algorithm.

I reset my subscriptions to only be the most relevant feeds from YouTube and then I only check the subscription page. I've consciously curated the feed to be more productive and I'm much less likely to get distracted when watching videos

There's a general selection bias in the fediverse, and the idea of decentralizing power is pretty communistic and also pretty beneficial to people who feel oppressed (transgenders).

Most new waves have a strong bias when you think about it. For example, crypto has a strong tilt towards Libertarianism and deregulation

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I'm sure most of us are old enough to remember when citing directly from wikipedia was seen as stupid and in poor taste because 'anyone could edit the articles'.

It's likely still premature to fully trust in definitions from LLMs, but it's worth noting that AFAIK, basically every LLM is trained off of wikipedia articles because the data is free, easily accessible and contains the answers to lots of random human questions