4 Post – 431 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Enshittification spares no one.

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Classic microsoft move.

Linux has gotten great over the years and keeps improving while windows gets worse and worse every day. This has been going on for many years now.

I switched already and suggest you give it a shot as well. It's honestly much easier than windows if you know the basics and understand how things are done there.

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Keyboards are generally known about, but the ergo part of it is a rabbit hole within the rabbit hole. Some people literally design, 3D print, wire up, solder and program one-off keyboards because they don't like the ones made by other people.

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VScode is the epitome of the EEE strategy. The core product is open-source, but it's filled to the brim with tracking and the official extensions have DRM. Yes, there's DRM on your python LSP.

Anyone who gives a shit should look for alternatives right away. The problem is just that there aren't any that are as easy to set up.

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A lot of people switched to lemmy recently, so the development focus is on scaling for now. It'll probably take a while until that's sorted out properly and the devs can focus on accessibility.

I think lemmy is a good place for this community because we don't need to worry about big platforms overmoderating.

Because we have a name already and aren't looking to share any personal info.

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There is nothing about windows 11 that's better than on windows 10. Why would anyone switch voluntarily?

Windows 10 at least had better automatic driver installation, touchscreen and multi-monitor support compared to 7, but came with a shitload of ads built right into it. Windows 11 has even more ads, but what does it give you?

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I agree and now I find myself moving my entire digital life off of big tech platforms and towards free software to escape this madness.

The good old internet still exists and lemmy is living proof. You just need to dig a little because the corporate search engines won't show you. for example is a nice little corner of the internet.

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They already have plans to DRM the entire fucking web. That's why I am currently cutting google out of my life step by step.

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We're lucky to have valve. They actually managed to make a console without the downsides of a console.

My OLED deck has arrived today, can't wait to use it.

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And in addition to that, it's the only thing that breaks on my system that isn't my fault.

My next GPU will definitely be AMD unless Intel catches up very quickly.

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Because cold water isn't free. If you want to create something cold, you want to be using a conpressor and at that point, you can just skip the water step and use an AC.

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Any microsoft application. Constant bugs, crashes and a tendency to break everything if you accidentally use them in any other way than microsoft intended.

Also, ads in a fucking operation system? I don't see how anyone can find that acceptable.

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Sounds like a classic EEE scheme. There's no way in hell apple would actually support this without ulterior motives.

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Ah yes, I love reading stuff and piping the infornation straight to the void.

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It's simple:

You like girls. If you are a girl and have another girl, that's 2 girls. 2 girls > 1 girl.

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Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Win is one of the most windows things that could happen. You just press some keys that should do nothing and boom, microsoft ad. I hope the EU version of windows will be stripped of that crap.

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Documentation too. Frontends change all the time, but CLI tools usually don't, so you can usually rely on old documentation. But have you ever tried googling how to do something in MS office, found and article from half a year ago and found that none of the things it mentions exist anymore? It's ridiculous how much time people waste trying to figure out stuff multiple times because it changes so much.

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This article sums it up very well:

A monopolistic corporation joining a free (not gratis, free as in free software) network is always a hostile takeover.

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It's sad that this is necessary. And given that it took less than a week for modders to get actual performance gains means that bethesda could've easily done it themselves.

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Implementation probably. Checkpoints are easy because you don't have to save the entire game state, just the progression.

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Written like a true businessman that has no idea about software development.

You're blessed, I can't use a 60hz phone anymore after having one with 90hz.

If you don't think high refresh rate makes a difference, turn it to 60hz to save some battery and to not get used to it and end up with the same problem as me.

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What a circlejerk article. While the points made are true, it insults anyone not already using linux so it'll probably push those people away from linux.

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The Essential PH1 was notorious for having very sharp edges. The second picture is real, that was actually possible with some effort. I could imagine the first one is real too.

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Unfortunately you need something with long firmware and software support. Qualcomm is your enemy, they stop updating the firmware of their chips after about two years and that's why android phones often stop getting updates less than 2 years after you buy them.

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First Mario movie is definitely worth a watch. Just don't be sober.

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Two years ago I would've said that this is probably nothing. But the ukraine war started just like this, with military exercises coming closer.

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And then we had to actively unlearn that google fu because google no longer works with keywords, but rather has an NLP pipeline that expects a question.

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My solution is using a distro that doesn't try to force snaps on me.

If you want the ubuntu base, why not use mint?

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Unfortunately verification is massively broken.

It's only ever revisited after updates when a huge company breaks all their games and valve has shown in the past that they're willing to bend the rules of verification for some high-profile games.

We should ignore it and use protondb instead. You always get the latest comments from people and there is no corporation with a conflict of interest behind it.

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KDE for me. As much as I hate windows, I like the floating windows, task bar and tray. KDE has that out of the box and lets me tweak all the little annoyances away.

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Rossmann is becoming more based by the day.

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In germany, you need to take an 8 hour first aid course to get your driver's license.

It's better than nothing, but it's been 5 years for me and I'm not sure if I could still do it properly.

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People who preorder a phone are out of their fucking mind, simple as that.

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Over here in germany, tipping is synonymous with cash and using the tip feature of apps is frowned upon because it adds an unnecessary middleman.

Not sure how transferrable that is to other countries, us germans really like cash.

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90hz screen with 180hz polling is what my phone uses as well, it's nice that the deck has now caught up to that.

Also remember to leave your original deck on when downloading games on the new one so it can transfer them locally, which should be faster. There's a setting for that, but I think it's on by default.

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Looking at any kind of politics and how it changed over the last 10 or so years, it's a clear no from me.

Yup, half of it is just "I don't like this person, so no one should use anything they have anything to do with".

The points about the browser itself are clearly just afterthoughts.

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