not seeing any non negligible difference between 60 and 120 Hz, am I weird?

𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒍 to – 92 points –

Just got a new phone (OnePlus Nord 3), turned refresh rate HUD in developer settings and I see some parts of the system and some apps display 120 Hz but I have problem noticing any difference, same with my wife's Redmi Note 12, i have to look very carefully and maaaybe I notice some different, not sure


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You're blessed, I can't use a 60hz phone anymore after having one with 90hz.

If you don't think high refresh rate makes a difference, turn it to 60hz to save some battery and to not get used to it and end up with the same problem as me.

I switch between 60Hz and 120Hz pretty often. And while I do notice a huge difference, it's not for long and I get used to it.

I was just playing with my wife's phone the other day. She has the pixel 6a, and I have the pixel 7. So they are extremely similar looking and feeling phones, except hers has a 60Hz screen and mine has a 90Hz screen. I thought the phone was broken. I was like, "why is the screen so choppy???"