The Quuuuuill

2 Post – 590 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Alt account of for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated

i really need more people to be aware this is who jill stein has always been. she focuses on the liberatory language of green politics but in practice is a fascist. there are two ways to view this. either she's an idiot who thinks she can deal with putin, or she knows exactly what she's doing and is in favor giving a genocidal maniac more power because it benefits her personally

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your admins also run lemmygrad. only you can decide if you should leave. personally, i like beehaw, slrpnk, dbzero, and blahaj. one important aspect to understand about the fediverse is that your instance is part of the identity you present to others

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once something is determined woke by the grift, it can only be the focus as long as it is the right level of popular for anyone to listen to the scam. something to beloved or obscure won't achieve the desired outrage

Shocking! Most predictable event comes to pass

Its also proof to the dipshits we don't hate masculinity. We hate toxic masculinity. In fact, we find Tim Walz brand of masculinity refreshing and delightful

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Welcome to realizing the Memes are all bullshit and its just a solid distro that's worth using for the simpleness. Just go use your computer like the average user is and roll with it

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Hence Google's proposal to DRM the web

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Minnesota has long been one of the best places in America to live. And the crazy part is they're a fly over state. They're who Nebraska could be if they stopped blaming costal States for everything and started implementing good policy. Minnesota is proof that the culture war is a big fat fucking distraction and that common sense governance can, in fact, work

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Seems fine. Sex workers are allowed to have political opinions. These were consenting adults. This wasn't infidelity, because it was a married couple. There's really no controversy here, unless you think sex is intrinsically a bad thing, in which case you're probably repressing yourself and everyone else

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Try to remember that these people, while they may seem awful, are also awful

Keep the kids from speaking out. Definitely a good look...

So basically elon would rather dump money into expensive equipment to improve build quality than do the thing that's actually needed to improve build quality and pay his workers what their work is worth and make their factory environment safer?

This is the kind of petty angry bullshit you have to do to be a billionaire. Its not about being smart, it's about on some level hating everyone that isn't you

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Especially because Trump and Vance would roofie your beer

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Out of the loop... I was able to parse that this is a trans thing relating to de-detesticlification, but I couldn't figure out bofaectomy

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Canonically? Yes! A giant bat demon named Barbatos that creates twisted versions of Batman (including batman) to torture Bruce Q Wayne

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Being pro Russia because you're pro communist is so fucking weird to me. The Russian federation is an imperialist capitalist oligarchical fascist state.

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They said

Me and some friends used to all share one but then the fucking DRM kicked in and I had to get my own.

I've enloudened it

This is what he bought twitter for. This is what he wanted. I hope there aren't any musk stans left who would be reading this, but in cas you're not aware, this is the value of twitter

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Classic NY Times. Steering into conservatism in the name of presenting both sides. Man. Sometimes there isn't two sides to a story, and that's been the case since 2012 with Donald Trump. This fucko has been spouting insane shit for over a decade and everyone just gives him a platform because when a rich guy says something, no matter how insane, that's news worthy. We never woulda had a Trump presidency if the media hadn't been like "Donald Trump keeps saying Barack Obama isn't American. What's that about?" And then treated him serious instead of dismissing it as what it was, the lunatic ramblings of a racist

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Its exploiting child labor and the impulsive brain chemistry of adolescence.

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Jesus Christ why are media companies so fucking ecstatic about giving Joe Rogan money

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Its so rough watching non vimmers use vim

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10 years ago he published a game that went viral for being a specific addictive form of frustrating. Some people bullied the shit out of him so he divorced himself of his game and out the whole thing behind him. Fast forward 10 years, because he divorced himself of the game he didn't really think about it when his IP protections expired. This had consequences when unscrupulous motherfuckers published a clone of his original game as a crypto scam of some sort (I haven't looked into the specifics yet). So now he has to think about his old game again and tell all us he's not scamming us

The location of the target sends Russia and hopefully some of the Russian populace two messages:

  1. Ukraine has the technical capability to hit Moscow
  2. Ukraine chooses their targets based on tactical strategic value, not based on instilling terror

They want protection from criticism. British hunting practices are... Horrific. Other countries have eliminated killing the fox as part of the event. Most of the world has shifted to you just ride around a field with some dogs and maybe you see the same fox you see every Thursday at 4pm and you go on the exact same chase with it you always do. In the UK? They murder that fox, and not humanely. By marking their "traditions" as ethnically derived, they become able to say criticizing them is a hate crime. Its... Really fucking stupid

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Yeah for anyone really paying attention Project 2025 wasn't the smoke, or even the fire. It's just a picture of the fire that's been burning since Barry Goldwater irrevocably shifted what the Republican party was and should be.That event shifted everything to the right because Democrats are still operating under the assumption that the two parties are left and right, and that the general populace sort of exists between the two. We see all those graphs about how only 40% of eligible American voters vote, and I think a lot of people read those charts wrong. Those aren't voters who don't give a shit, those are voters living in places where their jurisdiction is so skewed they don't feel the need to vote, and people who look at the whole political system and see a massive shell game where everyone's fighting to wield power, but no one's really challenging if it's good to live in such a top down administrative landscape where corporations are allowed to do whatever without accountability, and they don't see much of anyone trying to do anything about that. Think about if you're a DC or Hawaiian voter with deeply held social convictions and who's running for office is a neo-fascist and a neo-liberal. How motivated are you to get to the polls when you know all your neighbors see the same thing you're seeing. Your whole community is going to half heartedly show up for the neo-liberal, so you stay home, and then your jurisdiction goes 70% for the candidate you wanted. Sure, the margin could have been bigger if you showed up, but you're broke and poor, and working those hours that day got you enough that you can celebrate with your kids tonight that the neo-fascist didn't win. It's been months since you had pizza. It would really make them happy watch the results roll in while you have a special treat.

We need this election to be a total shit show for the republicans. Like totally painting the canvas with them kinds of beat down. And then, come January, when the Democrats take office, we need to show up in the streets and show them we don't like them either. Our politicians are so beholden to financiers and so isolated from our needs that I don't even think they realize we don't like any of them. Think about this. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, according to her positions, and according to polls of Americans, is completely aligned with American interests. She wants to do what we ALL want to do. And how many people see her as an evil virus from Satan because that's what Fox told them she was. How many people see her as a naive idealist who doesn't understand the full picture because that's what NBC and CBS told them she is. She's painted as a radical leftist when really... She's a centrist. She's the exact middle of America.

That's the fucked up political reality we live in.

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Google doesn't give a shit if you live or die, so long as their corporate partners at Shell Oil and Sheets checks clear

Its able to block some ads. However, from a security perspective this basically means google chrome is no longer a web browser that should be used in a professional setting, let alone for your private and personal work

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Yes. Using kids to drive engagement on YouTube is exploitative. Parents who do that are exploiting their children

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Hulk Hogan was close personal friends with someone that raped Andre the Giant's best friend. Also keyfabe got Andre needing to say the thing because that's how the business works. But also its easier to make your keyfabe hatred of someone believable when you actually factually hate that person. Which in this case Andre the Giant did

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Pict-rs is a rust library. Lemmy is a rust program. Lemmy uses pict-rs as a dependency. Pict-rs strips exif data. Exif data is the metadata that would include GPS data. Thus, lemmy strips GPS data

Texas is far more politically complicated than most Americans realize. Gains in Texas are proportionate to politicians running on platforms that matter to Texans. Hopefully if Cruz gets voted put the Democrats learn a valuable lesson about how to win in Texas. My concern is they'll take all the wrong lessons and take the win to mean it's time to double down on the old losing strategies.

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Remember what you know to be true about this and Bucha when tankies try to claim this genocide is being fabricated by the west.

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Don't ever, and I mean ever, let anyone tell you that you're too old to try something new. If anyone ever does, know, deep in your heart, that person is insecure and afraid of being their authentic self. Go forth, try new things, learn new knowledge, find out you don't like things, sometimes get frustrated, and discover the things that make life worth living for you. You will be so much happier if you set aside what anyone else will think of you and focus on "This interests me"

His only strongly held conviction is that he likes whatever it is you like

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I agree that Jesse Ventura is an unhinged loon, but I have to give my proper respects to that Jesse Ventura is an unhinged loon with strong moral convictions. He believes racism is wrong, that gay marriage should be legal, and that we should see eachother for who we really are instead of hiding behind manufactured machismo (which is such a fucking wild stance for a professional wrestler). I don't think Jesse Ventura is a hero, because he's too detached from reality to be one, but I do think he knows a when someone is like Donald Trump, Pat Buchanan, or David Duke is completely morally bankrupt, and for that I respect him.

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Funny how that keeps both happening and needing to happen. Its almost like founding a country steeped in racism may have consequences and we should restructure basically everything

Yeah people forget how long people looked favorably at Palin. The response to Vance meanwhile was an immediate and visceral "no thank you"

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"Can't hear you, too busy enacting the will of the people"