Kremlin's favorite candidate Jill Stein refuses to call Putin a war criminal during interview

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i really need more people to be aware this is who jill stein has always been. she focuses on the liberatory language of green politics but in practice is a fascist. there are two ways to view this. either she's an idiot who thinks she can deal with putin, or she knows exactly what she's doing and is in favor giving a genocidal maniac more power because it benefits her personally

She's a grifter so it really would not surprise me to learn that she's taken daddy putin's propoganda dollars.

Remember how she raised a bunch of money in 2016 to do a recount and then never did? Yeah. That's what grifting looks like. She had no legal way to actually accomplish the task she was fundraising for which is every bit as bad a selling someone snake oil.

She and the green party exist solely to extract money out of credulous idiots who buy the lie that voting for her does anything.

It's always amusing seeing her fans try to explain this photo without suggesting she's pro-Putin.

Oh wow, that's a terrible photo. I didn't know about it, but given the recent tenat media lawsuit I figured russia pumping money into the green party wasn't crazy. They were more than willing to dump $5 mil on idiots like tim pool and dave rubin so why wouldn't they also pump a bunch of money in long shot candidates like Stein.

Heck, they've done it in the past via the NRA.

It's not just the green party, they are trying to buy influencers for hundreds of thousands of dollars as well. Tana Monogeau just came out that she was offered substantial amount of money to endorse the Trump campaign and declined, and she suspects a lot of influencers have done this.

It's literally always projection. Remember them saying George Soros bought protestors?

She and the green party exist solely to extract money out of credulous idiots who buy the lie that voting for her does anything.

I want to copy this phrase and reply to every single post mentioning her as an alternative to voting for Harris.