3 Post – 191 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


Such a great backup here... Aaaaa. Let Lemmy fly and outgrown reddit!

6 more...

TempleOS and give it a try. The prophet Terry will be smilling from the Heaven TempleOS

alias ls='ls --time-style=long-iso'
alias la='ls -alh'
alias ncdu='ncdu --color=off'
alias wttr='curl'
alias vim='vimx'
alias ipinfo='curl --no-progress-meter | jq "del(.readme)"'
alias pp="pkill -SIGSTOP -f "
alias pc="pkill -SIGCONT -f "
6 more...

Uhm.. But University work require you work for almost 20 hours per day tho?

7 more...

Mostly mission critical server that I deployed in the past, all use RHEL/Clones because their LTS, and stability across packages version.

If for hobbyist, it's Ubuntu. I think you need to learn more about ansible, container/podman/openshift, and SDN for work. Nowdays, there are some use APT in production, but mostly they switch to dnf because dnf have better way to do downgrade, undo, redo, and config package in production.

This applied mostly for ERP project such as SAP Hanna, SQL Server, DB2, etc... Like it not, Red Hat Dwindling isn't now, probably 5-10 years ahead, but I'm not sure, as mostly rant about RHEL are in Community. I do know regional linux user group in Indonesia, some are leaving EL group, but they still can't rip apart most mission critical server on top of RHEL/Clones... so it's still worth learning RHEL/Clones, and use Fedora for day 2 day task, and learn ubuntu, as well ubuntu pro, for learn deploying critical production server.

Debian and Ubuntu are near, and ubuntu is derived from debian, but if you talk spirit, they are different... If you are conscious about what Red Hat do, stay away from it, but if you are working in corporate, you can't go without learning it.

1 more...

Deezer Backend, FLAC

Not only you. My age range between 20-30 also felt the same.... Haiyah

Developing in C# in Corporate, so C# debugger only works on VS Code sadly

10 more...

RISCV laptops, with battery that can handle 3 days of juice, doing work. And should be powered by linux, either Fedora or it's derivative (imho)

Gnome is better on 1920 than in 1366. XFCE is better on 1366...

And Ubuntu sucks..

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If only snap isn't forced, it will be great for ubuntu...

Fedora over Ubuntu. Ubuntu nowdays seems lost it's soul...

Fedora and Gnome workstation is the best ootb Distro I ever hold.

Also Fedora Xfce spins ovrr Linuxmint or Xubuntu. They are first class, stable, and bleeding edge.

If you are begining in Docker/Podman, you can try take some course from red hat like DO188, if you don't want fork money, Red Hat with Dan Walsh offer free books

It will be beneficial for us, developer, and Dan Walsh, Brent Baude, are mostly replying in #podman Well you can ask here tho, I think it's okay.

I just hope /r/podman in reddit moved here, and being federated...

I think lemmy already the leader in content creation and in activityPub based protocol...

It's simple, usable, searchable, and lightweight on almost any devices... welp... go lemmy go

They are focusing on consolidating flatpak, and move toward immutable desktop. If you read the some press release in red hat blogs, they move their teams to make Wayland more stable now, and they aim to bring full flegede gaming desktop also 3D tools as most Hollywood company use RHEL on desktop for processing, it's what some of the engineer said on reddit, and libreoffice, rythmbox, totem, bluetooth, are offered with flatpak, so... User can move to that.

Sadly their way of communicating always bad when they move to new project these days.. Really bad..

And some other are making FUD on those news with community left confused and make assumptions..

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Use ansible and variable, so it can be replicated to other computer. Simple

   name: "{{ item }}"
   state: latest
   - pkg1
   - pkg2

Kernel space..

GNU Hurd.. Hurt.. 😂

BSA and Microsoft will always nag business about office.. They do threaten any uni/education uni in Asia, if we don't have any license or having MoU or buy from them, they will find even tiny small wrong doing, either if you student are using pirate windows, they will blame the uni, and bring it to the court.. We only buy the Education pack yearly because last time it doesn't end well with BSA...

Even I have office license yearly.. Family pack. I only need the one drive 1TB, just it's cheaper with family package... Than Google or others. I do know idrive or pcloud, but idrive or pcloud in Linux isn't great in bisync using rclone... 😢

haha.. ubuntu on enterprise doesn't even touch 5% of the market, where 90% of it is RHEL and 5% another is Windows Server and some OSX.. so... I don't think canonical is dumb enough

*please read, enterprise market, not hobbyist. Hobbyist doesn't make money for ubuntu. Well if the hobbyist is a decision maker in enterprise, they probably will have effect, but the problem is, most of them opt in RHEL/Clones

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that's it my man! no extension!

who is it? what is it?

6 more...

Fedora is great with gnome for beginer and don't get in way to much like Ubuntu when used daily

4 more...

sadly both of them don't ship or even sell in Indonesia... sad sad life

Now days email spam filter especially proprietary from Google or Verizon yahoo really make indie mail server harder to maintain and always got labeled as spam even with DKIM, dmarc, right spf, and clean reputable public IP

System76 and Pinebook never ever ship to Indonesia even they have branch in Singapore, or even sorting center in Batam Area (which is Indonesian soil), :/

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With better battery life compared to apple macOS. I'm in. SELINUX I'm IN!

Work in Education and Software Industries.

I did manage fleet of Ubuntu and RHEL/Fedora instance. Mostly in education is research based services on top of container, either docker swarm or openshift. Most tech stack is PHP, Python for ML, and NodeJS

In software industries, I use kubernetes, and tech stack Nodejs, c#/net core, php, Java, python, golang, and some other popular language. Mostly using microservices arch, with DDD-MVC approach.

In education we have 10-20 Ubuntu/RHEL/Fedora for production, in Uni Labs, we have fleet (more than 20) of Gnome desktop with RHEL, supported by Red Hat Academy APAC. We do dual boot with windows because some WPF/.NET Desktop development lecture still held, but with Avalonia and React Native, seems it will change near future.

In software industries, mostly developer use windows, but they do debug on WSL2. Only small percentage using Linux desktop. Some are using mac, but it's under 3 people, negligible. Well...

For Education, it need about 7 years to fully moved from Windows server 2012, using Full Linux. In past some lab do have MacOS server, but I never encounter or support them so.. I can't speak much.

But in software industries, from start, we have Linux box, and grow over time. We only have special windows server for SQL server that need reporting server ability, mostly tied to SAP/ERP project, the rest are in Linux Box. Mostly we use red hat ansible to make standard deployment. We do have cloud init, but only for first deployment, then ansible.

Even older than the project itself. Nice.. The alfa... The first, the only one

I use it as the only browser for work. I don't have choices, because Teams and Outlook with all its' functionality works well only in their own browser, edge...

I even write some userscript to improve it because it's broken.. :/

On my corporate laptop, because they require ubuntu to.. well spy on us, I wrote a interface in front of snap to works like flatpak.. as snap forcing through on everything I work on...

At least I tried to disable it. and failed, so I wrote a piece of junk code to accomodate my flatpak muscle memory

Yeah. But red hat already say it first, that it need to focus on other part of desktop for Wayland.

There are trade off when you are moving resources, and Red Hat do it for free..

So why I called it FUD, because they talk because they don't know the chronology...

And for the post from Red Hat Engineer, I know they don't like it, but Wayland need more focus also 3D part as it's core part of Red Hat business and for greater masses.. You can't have shinny thing sucking out people or corporation without win win benefit.. And the engineer are employed by red hat.... That's it.

and better than snaps in experience..

Debian. left ubuntu behind. If you can use Ubuntu, better use Alma/RHEL/Fedora

All disable script all together on foreign site using uBo

Ugh windows..

Mission critical server mostly are RHEL or EL Clone or Fedora or it's derivative... If you combine even Azure nowdays, Microsoft Linux is derived from Fedora, same as Amazon Linux, and others... Debian are covering some part, but mostly hobbyist, or SME, and mostly non critical, as they don't have standard across, even on their and

apt also bad when you got to dowgrade package when something mess up, and get messy with dpkg.. :'(

So I quite doubt if it's production env, mostly go with EL. I do know some company use Ubuntu/Debian, but it's quite few...

If Ubuntu/Debian want to shape Industries, and kick out RHEL, they need to have standard, and better consultancy than RHEL. I hope so that they could grow and make market competitive, but for now it isn't sadly.

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I would opt for fedora... And If you want less obstructive is Nobara... welll..


Glorious Egg Roll!

When internet connection is great... photopea is.... a viable alternative... sadly in 3rd world country, internet sucks... :'(

Ansible + Podman from Red Hat really a game changer in Industry Standard. Sometimes I want to just say, Fk Docker because they don't listen from security perspective, until Red Hat made Podman, and they are thinking.... (3 years), then implement the rootless container... same on HPC.. fk docker...

So is it bad things ?