I had a dream about windows and have decided to setup Linux on my laptop. What distro should I use?

PRUSSIA_x86@lemmy.world to Linux@lemmy.ml – 100 points –

I used Ubuntu once a few years ago but had compatability issues so I went back to windows. Not a great programmer but I'd like to learn. I'm not looking to do much gaming beyond DOOM2 and factorio. Mostly looking for privacy and a way to get back into programming (I have this pipe dream of learning Assembly). I'm not to particular on UI, I can use whatever.

Edit: https://distrochooser.de for anyone who stumbles upon this post with the same question


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Fedora is great with gnome for beginer and don't get in way to much like Ubuntu when used daily

Fedora has been great. I will admit though, that gnome without extensions or tweaks for a desktop isn't the most fluid UI. Works better for tablet/laptops though.

I prefer kde for desktop. I'm also looking forward to the big xfce update that supports Wayland.

There are Fedora with KDE and it's much more bleeding edge than any other distro.

/me stares with one eyebrow up at this comment from EndeavourOS... (Fedora would be easier to set-up for someone new to Linux, though.)

Indeed, I'm aware of the kde spin. I forgot to include them together I guess. I had used kde on my desktop for a while.

Going from Windows to Gnome is pretty jarring change, as much as going from Windows to Mac. Something with Cinnamon, KDE, or MATE would be a much easier transition to start with.