1 Post – 114 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Subterfuge at work, a fun subject to study.

Some of my favorites from a declassified WWII "simple productivity sabotage" manual:

  • Insist on doing everything through "channels." Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions.

  • Make "speeches." Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your "points" by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences.

  • When possible, refer all matters to committees, for "further study and consideration." Attempt to make the committee as large as possible — never less than five.

  • Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible.

  • Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions.

  • Refer back to matters decided upon at the last meeting and attempt to re-open the question of the advisability of that decision.

  • Advocate "caution." Be "reasonable" and urge your fellow-conferees to be "reasonable"and avoid haste which might result in embarrassments or difficulties later on.

When I first saw these I was like goddamn, psyops got to my executive director!

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That's pretty daring of them to do, they're risking their severance package by so publicly making their former employer look so bad. Oh wait...

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The Aristocrats!

Inb4 the apologists try to argue "bbbut trump hasn't been convicted of a being an insurrectionist!". To those people, show me where in the article that's a requirement:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

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The old(?) Ricola cough drops commercials. They were huge in the '90s, not sure about since then though (I stopped watching tv a little after that period).

"How can we trick the voters into thinking we're less shitty than we know we really are?"

That 90 days isn't just random either. It happens to be the length of summer vacation for most kids here in the US. Perfect for exploiting them on their summer break!

Gonna go to camp this summer little Johnny and Jane? Fuck no you're not, off to the factory with you, and here's your six dollars (that's like a dollar an hour!).

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It's not that we're uninformed, it's that we disagree.

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Here you go.

Mozilla thought it would be cool to install a Mr Robot addon as a paid stunt, didn't go over well.

I work in enterprise IT, and whenever I see new announcements from the C-suite offices that include the words "streamline" and "merging", I can tell things are going to get worse, way worse.

I shouldn't be surprised anymore that execs truly believe they have the perfect solutions, all of which actually make things worse, way worse. No difference to them, they'll just fall up anyway.

My wife flips her fucking lid.

Reminds me of the Family Guy episode where Brian owes Stewie money, but rather than pay the debt back, Brian buys a disguise to hide from Stu.

So trump doesn't have money to pay for the $200k Georgia bond, but he has the money to pay for a mustache marketing this bullshit?!

no nation should ever give up their nukes

No nation within invasion distance of Russia, anyway.

Trump cultists are like maybe 30% of the republicans, making them 15% of the population at best.

It doesn't matter if the vast majority of republicans aren't trump cultists, it only matters that the vast majority of republicans will vote for him when they're alone in that voting booth.

That makes the vast majority of republicans willing (and some eager) to bring a fucking fascist, and all that he stands for, back into power. This is an existential threat to democracy in the US, not even being hyperbolic.

“If we’re going to continue to have clowns like Matt Gaetz as part of the Republican conference, as part of this Congress, then you’re going to have to have rules in place that prevent him from doing his charade. Every single week, every single month, where he goes out and he does his thing where he creates some manufactured crisis” that he then uses to raise money, Graves said.

Can't see the forest for the trees! Where do you think Matt learned it from?!

He had some of his white house staff fired over weed use, we're lucky someone finally talked some sense into him over cannabis reform.

Hopefully Georgia steps up and sticks to their guns with prosecuting people who attempt to convince election officials "to find 11,780 votes".

<cough> alphabet

<cough> <cough> meta

Fucking allergies, geez.

We call it: "The Aristocrats"!

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I'd go with state actors first.

When a particular social media platform is centralized, you can buy yourself a say percentage of stock and have sway over it (cough tencent), or have a useful idiot ruin the platform (cough musk), or another useful idiot to run propaganda you like anyway (cough truth social, cough fox news, cough newsmax...), or yet another that will sell out it's host country's citizens for cold hard cash (cough facebook).

But when that social media platform is decentralized? Well, then you'd need to figure out how to poison the well early on to stave off adoption. The Saudi Arabias, UAEs, Chinas definitely don't like the idea of lemmy, and it'll be way harder for them to control if critical mass is hit.

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Oh damn, for a second I thought it was a pic of that transatlantic flight that had to turn around due to an explosive diarrhea incident.

Guess no one in that state has met Starla. Nobody thinks I'm a failure because I go home to her at night.

No that's quarreling. They're talking about about two eighths of weed.

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I read about some smart tvs computing a hash of what's on screen to phone home about, in attempt with figuring out what content a user is watching when that content is 3rd party controlled.

We need some privacy laws up in this mother fucker.

And living this way isn't new there, either, it's an "evolution".

I can recall a story over a decade ago about google employees renting uhaul trucks to live in, parked on the google campus parking lots. The same article also followed some engineers who were illegally living in rent-a-storage spaces.

So compared to that, it makes these pods look like luxury living, even though they're all pretty depraved.

Being a software dev myself, I'll gladly take a lower salary in a low cost-of-living city if it means I can own a house (and not be mortgage poor, either).

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Did your teachers perhaps get their college diplomas in the 1870s? Because that predates the first tabulating machines being invented. Add that invention to the telegraph machine (ca 1837), and you've got a stew going.

I haven't used the hot water knob in the shower since May. Looks like it's going to be at least another month till I do.

Well I guess nobody expected that.

Yeah that's pretty fucked. Who uses a brass toothbrush?

Didn't you see what musk said about legos and pop cans? It can be done, the tronk just needs to be built out of legos and pop cans, duh!

Who was it again?

The Judean People's Front?

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"The less a man makes declarative statements, the less apt he is to look foolish in retrospect."

This dude is going to look real foolish in five years (if not already).

wife installed it accidentally and now she’s fucked

Do you guys have kids by any chance? If so, that means MS is a mother fucker.

Real world testing is a particularly difficult and pricey thing to do

I don't often test, but when I do, it's in prod.

It's a pseudo hobby of mine to attempt pin pointing a picture on google maps when enough information is visible in the picture/post context.

In this instance, I saw the street cones have "City of Riverside" stenciled on them, and zooming in I can see the street sign in the background says "Fourteenth St".

So a gmaps search of "City of Riverside cemetery fourteenth st" got me to the right city block. After that it was "cruising around" in street view to find this intersection. I further confirmed with a unique gravestone on the right, and a gate in the background.

Finally, the exif info on this file looks like it's stripped/scrubbed, no geo info or other hints to give away location. I'm hoping Lemmy by default strips exif info on upload (I know it's a common practice for other social/image hosting apps).

For me it's funeral potatoes, or half the desert dishes from various potlucks that would happen in the chapel gym.

Jokes on them though, all those recipes are posted online now! Don't need a temple recommend for that shit lol.

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No I hate MS. I won't ever forget the pain that was developing edge cases around Internet Explorer (fuck IE 6, that shit was the worst).

Are you going to ignore the long list of legal scholars he posted? Yeah? Ok, you're not arguing in good faith.

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when he goes to take a shit. That’s when he’ll do it.

I'm pretty sure people aren't allowed on their phones in the middle of court session That's when trump shit his depends.