Should I? to Lemmy – 1189 points –

It would be blasphemy not to


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That's freaky... Do you know that area, or are you pulling out EXIF or something else?

It's a pseudo hobby of mine to attempt pin pointing a picture on google maps when enough information is visible in the picture/post context.

In this instance, I saw the street cones have "City of Riverside" stenciled on them, and zooming in I can see the street sign in the background says "Fourteenth St".

So a gmaps search of "City of Riverside cemetery fourteenth st" got me to the right city block. After that it was "cruising around" in street view to find this intersection. I further confirmed with a unique gravestone on the right, and a gate in the background.

Finally, the exif info on this file looks like it's stripped/scrubbed, no geo info or other hints to give away location. I'm hoping Lemmy by default strips exif info on upload (I know it's a common practice for other social/image hosting apps).