1 Post – 108 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They should charge them for making Teams in the first place.

Dude looks deranged in any photo I’ve seen of him. I find him scary tbh. Maybe he is a robot running on OpenAI.

I have the feeling the whole internet is turning into shit rapidly. Youtube is crap, Reddit is crap, everything you use needs a cloud account, my doorbell is sending me notifications about a new product, wtf is up with that. I paid for that thing and now you send me ads? Pisses me off. This corporate greed is getting too much.

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Did you click on it? Maybe it links to a torrent :D

Install ProjectIvy from the app store on your Shield or Chromecast with Android TV as an alternative launcher.

Also not buying a Shield anymore in the future. Putting ads in a product you paid for should be fucking illegal at this point.

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Why does everything have to be a video these days ffs. What’s the tl;dr?

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Teams is a fucking joke and I hate it.

Login loops, cookie mess, until recently calling not supported on Firefox (like what?)

I mean it’s 2023 and you come up with this abomination, Microsoft?

Teams should be illegal at this point.

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Many many years ago I wanted to clean up my freshly installed Slackware system by removing old files.

find / -mtime +30 -exec rm -f {};

Bad idea.

I must admit I ditched Firefox for a while when it was considerably slower than Chrome.


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Fuck Nvidia. I got myself a Shield so I could stream games from my pc to my livingroom and they just decided to pull that feature. Later they added ads to the home screen. These are things that can be worked around, but it’s just toxic practice in my opinion.

Never will I buy any Nvidia product again.

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Main reason for me is because I don’t have to manage the position or size of apps I open.

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Bot is awesome. It has saved me from many cookie popups and ads.

Neovim user here. Granted it takes some time to setup properly but it’s really fast with navigating through files, lsp functions and doing a search in thousands of files.

I found vscode too slow and bloated for my taste.

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Yeah it’s not just Microsoft. Fucking ads in my doorbell app, Google TV, etc.

Putting ads in a product you paid for should be illegal.

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And The Netherlands has just been disqualified 🤷‍♂️

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Skynet is here.

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Joke’s on them, I don’t use bash.

Seriously though, Linux will probably get targeted more frequently now that it is becoming more popular as a desktop OS.

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Why does this dude’s face show up in my feed so often is the real issue here.

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Screw Google. I made a little donation, hope your project really takes off in 2024!

See if you can find the chinese backdoor on it.

Doesn’t this take up quite a lot of bandwidth if you have a lot of viewers?

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I just blocked cats. I like cats. But there’s a gazillion of cats on my feed all of a sudden.


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Soooo many people boarded the hype train. Speaking of, there’s only a few hundred viewers left on Twitch as well, 2 months after release lol.

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Free as in riddled with ads probably?

I only have Netflix left, for the kids. Everything else I obtain “elsewhere”.

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Is that Elon, he looks 20 years older.

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Username checks out?

Luckily Piped, Invidious and others are still doing its thing.

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Arch for many, many years. Absolutely zero reasons to switch. I used to distro hop alot back in the day but I don’t bother with that anymore. I need a system that works and Arch gives me exactly that.

I’ve watched some of the reverse engineering video’s of the graphics card. Very impressive.

If they can get the speakers to work and make suspend stable I will definitely give it a go on my M1 Pro.

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Yes, this is what’s important about the whole story about the 737 Max.

Yeah but according to the article it installs itself in .bash_profile.

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This game is awesome and deserves more credit than it receives. The only thing it lacks imo is built-in multiplayer support (right now you can have mp with a mod but it has some flaws).

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Found John Connor.

Robot dogs with AI controlled guns mounted on the back are also a thing already 🤷‍♂️

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Same. I don’t miss Reddit at all.

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I only use windows for gaming, linux for everything else and have been for many years. I upgraded from windows 10 to windows 11 and had zero issues. It actually is starting to look better as well.

That said, more and more games run just fine on Linux now so I probably won’t need a dualboot system anymore at some point.


You’re absolutely right but seeing this comment in any recent HP thread is just getting hilarious.

Isn’t there some consumer protection law against this, I mean this is really invasive and not doing what you expected it to do when you bought it.

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