For free for 11.99$ to Mildly – 444 points –

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Doesn’t this take up quite a lot of bandwidth if you have a lot of viewers?

This was an interesting question, so I took a quick dive in the docs, it seems it has an S3 integration to help with it, and some comments on the various supported services

More info here:

Still, depending on the chosen provider and the amount of viewers, it could be quite costly

As everything, a big "it depends". Each viewer will eat more bandwidth, but you control the compression and qualities. For me, I have an unlimited fiber uplink, so it's quite easy for me to self host. If someone were more bandwidth constrained, then hosting it on a cloud that then has much more egress may help - at a cost of course, but then your own personal internet would only have the one outgoing stream. Finding a provider that has super cheap egress traffic would probably help

If you have a data cap.... well..... not a lot you can do.