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Joined 1 years ago

I think that tens of thousands of people have done it and this is the first fatality says that it was something unique about the victim, rather than the chip.

35 more...

We need a mandatory retirement age for federal appointees, fucking immediately.

This is one of those situations where there was no need for a police interaction at all, let alone a violent or forceful one.

yeah it's 100% just a murder. probably she thinks by saying it's an "accident" she can either skate or get a manslaughter conviction instead of murder.

8 more...

The public face a politician puts forth is often very different than the actual person, and it's been that way since forever.

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It is always really interesting when a system like that fails, and Im curious to see what they come up with as an explanation for why.

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I'm honestly surprised this doesn't happen more often than it does, considering how much coffee McD's sells.

11 more...

that's some real psycho shit right there.

The best part will be when they find out that local floridians absolutely will not work for the same wages, and in many cases any wage, for the same labor. Similar actions in the past have left crops rotting in the fields because no one wants to harvest them. This incident in california comes to mind although of course that was nowhere near as harsh...

7 more...

Just think of the money saved in severance by them quitting instead of being fired, which is probably the plan all along.

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My town didn't have cops for over three years, and it was totally fine.

I'll take the stance this is actually a positive, since rebuilding after a hurricane in florida is a bad idea to begin with. It's just gonna keep happening and keep intensifying in severity. The more people who relocate out the less people there'll be at risk.

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Because AI detectors suck and are the modern day equivalent of dowsing rods?

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I can't even get 10 people to show up for a birthday party, but they can organize 20+ for a robbery. Feels bad.

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I mean to be fair assault and public intox are about what i'd expect out of most military vets. It isn't like the VA's giving them good mental health assistance after they return home.

I got tired of windows pretending it knew better than me what i wanted, whether that was updates or security scans or fuck knows what else.

The final straw was when they shitted up the start menu with garbage and tried to shove their app store down my throat. At that point i was done.

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We seriously need age limits for elected officials, it's absolutely absurd to have an octogenarian in a position of authority like that.

While we're at it, term limits for congress would be nice - 19 terms is absolutely ridiculous.

I just assume anyone remotely famous is some kind of foul person behind the scenes.

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I could live my whole life never hearing "news" about twitter, musk, etc ever again.

That's actually very interesting, i would not have expected that.

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It's always crazy to me that someone would risk so many people like that - poison doesn't care who it kills, and anyone from postal workers to mail sorters to trump's secretary could have gotten seriously injured or killed. Just crazy irresponsible and dangerous.

The strike isn't all bad, clearly.

Considering what a total wasteland amazon's self published section is, i don't know that it could be much worse.

Of course any author with an IQ over 70 would have the good sense to never disclose they were using AI.

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Dude should have never been released simply because we can't ever be sure he'll take his medication or adhere to treatment in the future. At some point, the safety of an individual and the public takes priority over turning them loose on the streets.

my hot take is that AMA's haven't been good for literally years, and that most celebrity AMA's are terrible and nothing more than cheap advertising for whatever their latest project is.

7 more...

People always focus on governors but there's a lot of state legislatures that are just absolutely full of wing-nuts.

4 more...

That would be a more accurate title.

Who cares about this celebrity freakshow drama?

One thing i know for sure, there ain't no predicting the future with something like this. We'll not know where we'll end up until we are there.

I think a lot of people have never met people actually from WVa, but I have - i have lived near the state my entire life. There is no one more ignorant, backwards, than the average West Virginian. They simply do not care: about the future, about what anyone thinks of them, about repercussions for their actions.

It's really hard to believe if you haven't experienced it first hand.

Anyone who feels differently or does not fit in - leaves as soon as they are able to, because literally anywhere else is likely to have more opportunities for actual job growth and careers.

1 more...

I'm honestly surprised that 30% didn't need some form of support.

lynx -dump -width 127 > "/home/dethb0y/Documents/Obsidian Vault/Calendar Events/Astronomical Calendar/"

Uses lynx to grab, format it appropriately, dump it into a specific MD file in my obsidian directory, which i then display in obsidian.

It is so hysterically niche that i can't imagine hardly anyone would ever need, use, or want such a thing but when i came up with the idea i simply had to make it happen.

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I remember the first time i saw the Contra switch from side-scrolling to "first person" and being totally blown away by it.

Christ, imagine you get a day off school and you still gotta do online. I'd be pissed.

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I'm not surprised. You send your kids off to day care or public school, you're just trusting in the good will of strangers at that point. Especially times 1000 if your kid has a mental health condition.

Even if these people successfully sue the school and the employee - so what? Their kids' still traumatized, the damage is done.

3 more...

100% of the time.

as someone with a really strong interest in true crime, it is really disheartening how spotty our actual crime data tracking is, and that's before you take actual malice into account.

Depends what you're into

I like:

Air Safety Institute - - they cover recent GA crashes, all sorts of stuff related to airplanes and what not. Really interesting and well presented.

HorrorGeek - - amusing reviews of horror movies

NerdExplains - - really snarky and mean-spirited horror movie reviews

PeriscopeFilm - - Archival film footage from through the ages, just all kinds of crazy stuff

Ill Advised Records - - relaxing music

Law & Crime Network - - Content about crime and trials and what have you

Cryochamber - - Relaxing music

There's a bunch more (the New Jersey museum guy, Drachnifel, bunch of true crime stuff) but that's what leapt to mind first

Aww hell yeah! i've been waiting for this one. Once it's been out a few days i intend to upgrade my main rig to it.

That is extremely cool!