YouTube tests blocking videos unless you disable ad blockers to – 507 points –
YouTube tests blocking videos unless you disable ad blockers

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I'm in the camp that says you should really pay for premium. It's so worth the money. For every premium user that watches a video the creator gets a pretty good cut. Something like 55%. Blocking ads doesn't really hurt the creator too much. Your mainly just sticking it to Google. But if your someone who watches alot of YouTube consider premium, to help your favorite creators more. Especially you get Music included.

Man, everything is a premium subscription these days. I'm just so done with modern monetization schemes thst nickel and dime. Everything from heated seats in cars to content in games that we've already paid for.

That’s my problem, actually. I very much do not want music bundled with ad-free YouTube. I’d pay a reasonable price for an unbundled version, but the Premium family plan is more than the top-tier Netflix or Max subscription.

There is a YouTube lite subscription avaliable in some countries that basically only disables ads and dont have music and some other things. Its 7€/month in my country (12€ for normal premium)

I would consider it if YouTube had built in sponsorblock since I find YouTube videos unwatchable without it that I don't bother casting videos to the TV, and go through other methods to retain sponsorblock functionality.

55% of what? The 0.001p of ad revenue from a single view?

55% of your subscription based on viewing hours each month of the creators you watch. So for argument sake, lets say a single sub is $12. Of that $6.60 is split up and allocated to the creators you watch, thats a generalization, there are other factors involved, but it still turns out as a win for creators, the more premium users that watch the creator the better. That $6.6 is worth more split up than normal ad revenue.

Versus ad revenue which I believe is something like 1000 views generate $18 on average of ad revenue which a creator doesn't even see all of it . Keep in mind there are other factors in play with ad revenue based on the advertisers and watch time.